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Baking Peter

    S O N G S
    1. No Place I'd Rather Be
    2. Standing In Motion(Tim)
    3. Standing In Motion(Pete)
    4. Herd of Turtles
    5. Crazy Things
    6. Our Love
    7. Candlestick
    8. Everyday
    9. Jam
    *And also not to mention the number of songs we have that just dont have names yet, or the numerous amont of songs to come in the future =)

      B A N D M E M B E R S
      Tim Baker-Guitar/Vocals
      Colin Morris-Drums/Vocals
      Pete Sova-Guitar/Vocals

      S H O U T O U T S
    Katie Q.-They call me mellow yellow...
    im adding a link instead of listing all the people, thats commin pretty soon

      N E W S
    To see whats new with Baking Peter, just check right here under N E W S. The flyer below will always be updated with our latest upcomming shows. But seeing as how Timmy will be going to South Africa for the next month, it will reamain blank for now. Also it will be updated with the latest info on everything you need to know about Baking Peter on a regular basis. However, seeing as how I can get extremely lazy, I probabally wont be updating this very often. So in that case you can just email me at about any q's u might have.

      T A B S
    Yeah, I'm still waiting on this part. In order for there to be a TAB section of this website, I kinda need people to email me songs that they want tabbed out. So yeah, if someone could maybe do that, that'd be grreeaat.But if you wanna go ahead and click on this link to go to the the TAB section, you can see all the songs that arn't tabbed, cause no one has emailed me...TABS

      P I C S

    This is at open house at CJHS back in 8th grade. It was literally the first time Tim and I played together, before the band was even created.

    This is my dog Chief, anyone that has met him knows that he likes to hump anything that moves... or at least he used to, sry everyone-we got him nuetered(sp?).


      I'm outskie,
