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Updated December 8th 2004

It is a very sad day!
As we all know Guitar god Dimebag Darrell Abbott was killed on stage last night December 8th at about 10 pm.
Bad Omen would like to send our deepest thoughts and wishes to the Abbott family, Darrell will truly be missed.
We will never forget you brother we love and miss you.
Bad Omen will be dedicating "Come back to me" to Dimebag tonight at our stage stop appearence.
We still cannot believe this has happened.

Well we finally did it, we played out for the first time and it was great.
We decided to just go to the Stage stop in memphis and give it a shot.
It went over quite well as we made some new friends and were invited to come and play with them in January.
Also we will be participating in the Emergenza music festival on January 14th at the Memphis Hi tone at 11:00pm.
We hope to see alot of you there.
We will post some pictures sometime this week of our first show.
That is it for now so keep checking back.

Ok alot of news to report so lets get started.
First off we would like to welcome back Glenn Hallford to the Bad Omen family.
In recent weeks we have been pondering various ways to make our band better.
We have come to the conclusion that a band like Bad Omen needed a drummer
that could could carry the weight of the world on his shoulders.
The only person who could pull off such a feat is Chris Mayo.
Now you are probably asking yourself isn't Chris on bass?
not anymore, you see Chris is a natural drummer, alot of people know him from his days
with Palm Tree Death Incident, Chris is an intense drummer, as he is also an intense bassist.
But as we sat asking ourselves what we could do to make us stand out from the crowd
it all became clear. We asked Chris that all important question and in true Chris fashion he said "I've been wondering when you guys would ask me that."
So pretty much he was willing to switch over to the instrument he played in Palm Tree, Drums.
Then another question we asked ourselves Who could we get to fill the almighty Mayo's shoes??????
Jeff looked over at Daniel and said "What about Glenn?"
After a quick phone call and a short listen to the Bad Omen demo Glenn was back.
So hence the Welcome back at the beginning of the update.

In other news we have located a new Rehearsal space that we are keeping quiet but pictures will come soon.
Look for Bad Omen within the next month to start playing some of the local Memphis clubs, like the stage stop, and hopfully the new daisy. we will keep you posted.