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.about lost july

This site is dedicated to you. So enjoy your stay, okay? (=

Track Running:98° - Why [lyrics]
Last Update:September 21, 2002
Version:Lost July 1.0
Reason Why:errr... boredom?
Theme:actually, there is no theme at all
Colors Used:Shades of Black and White
Fonts Used:Verdana, Rage Italic
Dedicated To:her...

.personal info

Random amounts of useless things you never really wanted to know anyway...

.thank you

I remember you.... all of you. I've never forgotten. I'm sorry I didn't come home.... I....


"We are all like raindrops falling from the sky, eventually landing on this sandy star and drying up from the heat of the sun. Even if protected by a huge umbrella, we never know what tomorrow may bring. Someday we will be blown by the wind and absorbed into the sandy earth."


"Life is like an incessant series of problems, all difficult, with brutal choices, and a time limit. The worst thing you can do is to make no choice, waiting for the ideal conclusion to present itself."

People who sin say this: That they had to, so survive. People who sin say this: That it's too late to stop. The shadow called Sin dogs them steadily without saying a word. Remorse and Agony are repeated, to finally end up at Despair. But sinners don't know that if they turn around, there is a light.... a light which keeps shining on them ever so warmly.

I think I would like to do something for somebody. I think it's good if someone smiles when you smile at them. The beauty of voluntary acts can foster goodwill in the hearts of others. Love which doesn't ask for collateral gives us respect as people. However, it is wrong to try to sustain that. In time, the strain will bloom into the flower called Lie, the thorny flower which hurts people.

A choice between two things. The forked road every person brought into the world must eventually face. A crossroad. Whichever path they choose, they lose something. Whichever path they choose, they are unable to find happiness. But are there really only two paths to a forked road? No. There are infinite paths we should take. There is more than one path we should take. There is more than one path into the future.

A strong will can stir the heart. But a will too strong can limit the heart's visiblity. The sorrow of a man bereaved of family turns into hate which eventually transforms into the intent to kill. The man's finger reaches for the trigger. Sins change people. Sin begets sin. Oh, but I.... but I still want to believe! I want to believe in the hearts that feel sin.

To realize a mistake. To not lie. To love one another. To not kill. Those are very simple things, but the times won't allow for them. There is no paradise on this planet even though we want it.... though we want it so very badly. A place where we can live peaceful days, with no wars nor stealing. A sacred place where people can live as people.

One day, 15 years ago, you and I were born. There was nothing but peaceful days and Stella was always right behind us. But our disagreeing thoughts changed our ways of life. I don't regret it. I will vow again not to kill, not to betray, to find my happiness, to talk about my dreams.... because the ticket to the future is always blank.

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