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Alanis Morissette
Jagged Little Pill

All I Really Want
Do I stress you out
My sweater is on backwards and inside out
And you say how appropriate
I don't want to dissect everything today
I don't mean to pick you apart you see
But I can't help it
There I go jumping before the shotgun has gone off
Slap me with a splintered ruler
And it would knock me to the floor if I wasn't there already
If only I could hunt the hunter

Abd all I really want is some patience
A way to calm the angry voice
And all I really want is deliverance

Do I wear you out
You must wonder why I'm relentless and all strung out
I'm consumed by the chill of solitary
I'm like Estella
I like to rell it in and then spit it out
I'm frusterated by your apathy
And I am frightened by the corrupted ways of this land
If only I could meet the Maker
And I am fascinated by the spiritual man
I am humbled by his humble nature

What I wouldn't give to find a soulmate
Someone else to catch this drift
And what I wouldn't give to meet a kindred

Enough about me, let's talk about you for a minute
Enough about you, let's talk about life for a while
The conflicts, the craziness and the sound of pretenses
Falling all around...all around

Why are you so petrified of silence
Here can you handle this?
Did you think about your bills, your ex, your deadlines
Or when you think you're gonna die
Or did you long for the next distraction
And all I need now is intellectual intercourse
A soul to dig the hole much deeper
And I have no concept of time other than it is flying
If only I could kill the killer

All I really want is some peace man
A place to find a common ground
And all I really want is a wavelength
All I really want is some comfort
A way to get my hands untied
And all I really want is some justice...

Last One picked

High School

Chorus: it’s high school [high school], could be [could be] a mini me of the rest of society
there’s always [always] a prom queen [prom queen]
there’ll always be, always be sororities
sadly [sadly] some will be [some will be
eternally keeping score for popularity
and just cause [just cause] they all do [they all do]
doesn’t mean we have to act like we’re in high school

high school is like a big competition, beauty contests, prom court is the mission
there can only be one queen, one king
everyone voting, everyone competing
but these are the rules, the way of high school
if someone puts you down, that’s so high school
someone talks behind your back, that’s so high school
thinking you have to get them back, that’s also high school
I know I’ll be graduating early

high school is like the state of the nation
some people never change after graduation
believing any light you shine makes their’s lesser
they have to prove to everyone that their’s is better
these are the rules, the way of high school
if someone puts you down, that’s so high school
believing they’re too cool for you, that’s so high school
if you believe it too, that’s also high school
I know I’ll be graduating early

we’ve all got bad yearbook photos
which we’ve forgot to let go
and just like acne our insecurity
should be something we left with the jv
so here’s to letting go of yearbook photos
things we kept that held us down so
that was yesterday, there’s always tomorrow
we are tomorrow, we are tomorrow
I know I’ll be graduating early



I am
I’m super fortified hundred proof girl with a band
and I’m a velveteen rabbit made of steel with a plan
I’m not your seventeen girl but it’s not worth a can
of worms, I’m not your beauty queen
I’m not the girl in glamour magazine
I’m not running for miss popularity
cause I won’t be what I can’t be

but I want to be real
I want to find out who I am
and I will find my way to heal
and I will find my voice my stand

I am who I am
I am a woman hear me roar and I am salt, I am sand
a million starfish stranded, landed, I’ll throw back what I can
I’ll save the planet, change the world, I’ll make a one girl stand
I’ve got better things to do than be shown off
I won’t be the doll you’ll lock up in a box
don’t expect me to be anything that I’m not
cause I won’t be what I can’t be

approval is your sword
popularity your crown
but I’m not one of your subjects, you can’t bring me down
you say I lose your approval if I’m not cool like you
well, here’s a newsflash for you – I’ve got nothing to lose
your laughter is hollow because I don’t care
you look down at me, but I’m not there
I’ve got nothing to prove and nothing to lose
nothing to prove and nothing to lose


One And Lonely

It’s not like they meant to hurt me,
watching tv, checking Britney, televised, my guys
checking out her thighs and I roll my eyes and sigh
it’s not like I even need to be competing with unreality tv, fantasy
not for a smart girl like me
some days it’s hard to be a one girl revolution

sometimes I have good days and it’s good to be me
sometimes I get the best of insecurity
and it’s quite alright to be the one and only
but today I feel like the one and lonely

it’s not that I don’t know beauty is only skin deep
just the skin I’m in, not the girl within
but one imperfection takes away my grin
not that I think I’m ugly, but
acne throws me for a backslide
I won’t go outside
makeup can’t hide how I feel inside
some days it’s hard to be a one girl revolution

oh, the one and lonely
we all have bad hair days
those nothing good about me days
just keep moving on cause they’ll be gone
and we’ll still be here going on
we have our yesterdays
no lunch cause the jeans don’t fit days
just keep moving on cause they’ll be gone
and we’ll still be here going on

chorus 2:
sometimes I have bad days and it’s hard to be me
sometimes I get brought down by insecurity
and I have my days where I’m the one and lonely
but today I choose to be the one and only
yeah, I’m the one and only

So Bright (Stand Up)

You’re bored, gotta wonder if there’s more
waiting for the
dreamlife you thought you had in store
trying to feel something you can chase a life that’s thrilla
living on the edge
smoking, drinking dream killas
coulda been shoulda been woulda been
what might your life have been
today you’re not a has been, but at your life’s end
will you have regrets then, have regrets then
are you okay with tomorrow if tomorrow is the end
live today through the future’s lens
don’t wanna wish you could rewind and play it again

stand up, write the soundtrack for your life
it doesn’t happen to you, you happen to life
stand up, you know you’re gonna have to fight
don’t wanna lose the will to find your light
stand up, God gave you the gift of life
it doesn’t happen to you, you happen to life
stand up, do something with your light
you’re a light on a hill, you’re meant to shine so bright [so bright, so bright, so bright, so bright, so bright, so bright, so bright]

we’re all scared, gotta wonder what’s out there
shooting down the ones who did what we wished we dared
everybody’s scared to karaoke in the open
afraid we’re not as special as what we might be hoping
so we’re frozen, haven’t chosen
just going through the motions,
faith and belief, courage overrule emotions
stand up and be counted for something when it’s time
decide where you stand, taker your hands and raise em high
live today through the future’s lens
don’t wanna wish you could reset and play it again


No one sits with him, he doesn’t fit in
but we feel like we do when we make fun of him
cause you want to belong, do you go along?
cause his pain is the price for you to belong
it’s not like you hate him or want him to die
but maybe he goes home and thinks suicide
or he comes back to school with a gun at his side
and a kindness from you might have saved his life
heroes are made when you make a choice

you could be a hero – heroes do what’s right
you could be a hero – you might save a life
you could be a hero – you could join the fight
for what’s right, for what’s right, for what’s right

no one talks to her, she feels so alone
she’s in too much pain to survive on her own
the hurt she can’t handle overflows to a knife
she writes on her arm wants to give up her life
each day that she goes on is a day that she’s brave
fighting the lie that giving up is the way
each moment of courage her own life she saves
when she throws the pills out a hero is made
heroes are made when you make a choice

no one talks to him about how he lives
he thinks that the choices he makes are just his
doesn’t know he’s the leader with the way he behaves
and others will follow the choices he’s made
he lives on the edge, he’s old enough to decide
his brother who wants to be him is just nine
he can do what he wants because it’s his right
the choices he makes change a nine-year-old’s life



You’re building a case against me, prosecutor, judge and jury/ we’ve had this conversation in your head/ because I wasn’t there you made up what I said/ or what I would have said/ you know me so well/ you’ve heard how I am and how I’m going to/ heaven knows we’ve never had this conversation/ should I be calling it a condemnation/ because you’re not listening to me/ chorus: so [na na na na na]/ that’s all I’m gonna say/ [na na na na na]/ you’ve made up your mind anyway/ [na na na na na]/ there’s nothing I can do/ so [na na na na na]/ couldn’t we be friends if not for you// I feel like the teacher from Charlie Brown/ all you hear is that wah wah wah sound/ maybe I’m a pokemon pikachu/ that’s what comes out when I’m talking to you/ you’re a crusader, you’ve made me your fight/ your superhero name is mr. Right/ instead of trying to understand/ you tell all your friends how wrong I am/ you’re not listening to me/ chorus/ can’t we be friends/ why does it end before a word is even heard/ I look at you, your attitude/ why can’t you see that it’s not me/ oops, I did it again, I see/ the person I’m talking about is me/ assuming you’re the enemy in the crosshairs of my verbal uzi/ no matter who wins, we both lose/ no matter who starts, we both choose/ to keep it going on, and on and on…/ but let’s start listening and see/ chorus 2: [la la la la la/ la la la la la]/ sorry that it got this way/ [la la la la la]/ next time I won’t let it stew/ [la la la la la]/ couldn’t we start over me and you Song 4 Tricia (Princes and Frogs) You hate men, is what you say/ and I understand how you feel that way/ all girls dream of a fairytale/ but what you got’s like a used car sale/ man trying to conceal what’s wrong,/ behind a smile and a song/ and I’m not saying that boys are not like that/ but I think you should know/ that some of us will grow/ because…/ all princes start as frogs, all gentlemen as dogs/ just wait till it’s plain to see/ what we’re growing up to be/ cause some frogs will still be frogs,/ some dogs will still be dogs/ but some boys can become men/ just don’t kiss us til then Wonder (If She’ll Get It) Dear diary/ I saw this guy at the show/ he was singing to me/ at least I think so/ all the world around me stopped when he said/ hi/ he’s the perfect guy/ his hair, his eyes, oh, I love his smile/ when he opened the door/ knew he was worthwhile/ he looked so good standing right next to me/ so beautiful I know our children will be/ this time I know it’s true love/ chorus: he is the one that I’ve been waiting for/ I promise to love him/ forevermore/ I’ve waited my whole life for the day I am his/ I just know he’s the/ wonder what his name is// dear diary/ today I found a new guy/ with a movie star face and the perfect lines/ knight in shining armor/ hero to rescue me/ he’ll be so romantic just like in the movies/ he’ll play the role of a boyfriend for me/ like in “Here on Earth” with leelee sobieski/ there’s just one problem something I might have missed/ he’s a movie star he doesn’t know I exist/ this time I know it’s true love/ chorus/ dear diary/ I thought my dreams had come true/ last week I found the one to give my heart to/ told all my friends about him, even tried his last name/ didn’t see that to him it was all just a game/ he seemed so nice, I’ve known him for a whole week/ but my friends didn’t like him, didn’t know him like me/ no more crushes, no more rushes, learn to be satisfied/ with being single again – wait who’s that guy/ you are cute!/ chorus I Belong to You Everyone needs to belong somewhere/ life can feel so alone without someone who cares/ and when life becomes something to just get through/ that’s when I’m glad that/ I belong to you/ chorus: I belong to you/ I belong to you/ you’re the one who will never let me down/ I belong to you/ I belong to you// sometimes life brings more pain than we can bear alone/ when hope is gone and I have no strength to stand on my own/ when nothing helps, there’s nothing that I can do/ you surround me and show me/ chorus/ when love is gone, there’s no arms to run to anymore/ I’m all alone, there’s no one for me to live for/ letting go of the things I’ve always clung to/ that’s when I need to feel that/ chorus Rock Stars She moves to L.A./ she wants to be somebody/ three and a half years later she’s still not anybody/ she’s still hoping for a break while she’s waiting tables/ realizing some dreams are fables/ fear grows when she knows that she’s out of control/ throwing up in the bathroom, hoping nobody knows/ and she fear’s she’s a failure/ she forgets that God loves her/ you tried and you failed/ hold your head up high/ you climbed and you fell/ hold your head up high/ you tried and you failed/ hold your head up high/ hold your head up, hold your head up high/ chorus: cause if we never make it ever/ then it’s gonna be okay with me/ cause if it’s not okay to fall sometimes/ it’s not okay to be/ if they don’t want us, it’s okay, honest/ it doesn’t have to bring me down/ let them say we’re not big rock stars/ we don’t have to be rock stars// they said he’d never make it/ maybe they’re right/ his parents never believed that his dream could take flight/ all he ever wanted was for them to be proud of him/ it was the whole world to him/ he needed to win/ he gave his everything, but sometimes it’s not enough/ he thinks he’s a failure now, he’s not worth being loved/ he forgets that he had the courage to climb up so high/ the courage to try, the courage to fly/ chorus/ it’s not about success/ life is not a test/ you don’t pass or fail you just do you best/ to see the view from wings of courage/ to push on through when we’re discouraged/ it’s all about the try, all about the ride/ learning how you were meant to touch the sky/ failures are fliers who touch down/ only they know what it’s like to leave the ground/ chorus We All Fall We all fall/ sometimes/ we all let ourselves down/ sometimes there’s nothing left but to live with what’s been done/ and know you’re not the only one/ who falls/ we all fail/ sometimes/ we all let someone down/ sometimes there’s nothing left but to promise ourselves/ that next time we won’t be the one/ to fail/ I want to tell you you can go on/ that beginnings come from ends/ I still believe in you/ and so does God/ he’s the one who still believes in those who fail/ he’s the one who still believes in us who fall LINKIN PARK METEORA Don’t Stay Sometimes I need to remember just to breathe Sometimes I need you to stay away from me Sometimes I’m in disbelief I didn’t know Somehow I need you to go Sometimes I feel like I trusted you too well Sometimes I just feel like screaming at myself Sometimes I’m in disbelief I didn’t know Somehow I need to be alone Don’t stay Forget our memories Forget our possibilities What you were changing me into [Just give me myself back and] Don’t stay Forget our memories Forget our possibilities Take all your faithlessness with you [Just give me myself back and] Don’t stay I don’t need you anymore I don’t want to be ignored I don’t need one more day Of you wasting me away With no apologies Somewhere I belong When this began I had nothing to say And I’d get confused in the nothingness inside of me I was confused And I let it all out to find/ That I’m Not the only person with these things in mind Inside of me But all the vacancy the words revealed Is the only real thing that I’ve got left to feel Nothing to lose Just stuck/ Hollow and alone And the fault is my own And the fault is my own I want to heal I want to feel What I thought was never real I want to let go of the pain I’ve held so long [Erase all the pain ‘til it’s gone] It’s gone] I want to heal I want to feel Like I’m close to something real I want to find something I’ve wanted all along Somewhere I belong And I’ve got nothing to say I can’t believe I didn’t fall right down on my face I was confused Looking everywhere/ Only to find that it’s Not the way I had imagined it all in my mind So what am I What do I have but negativity ‘Cause I can’t justify the Way everyone is looking at me Nothing to lose Nothing to gain/ Hollow and alone And the fault is my own The fault is my own I will never know Myself until I do this on my own And I will never feel Anything else until my wounds are healed I will never be Anything ‘til I break away from me And I will break away I’ll find myself today I want to heal I want to feel like I’m Somewhere I belong Lying From You

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