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The Ameoba Family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTE: THE PAGE IS CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION! But what the hey? Have fun!

*More drama within the family, but I guess that what happens when you get to college, right? I'm sure we will get through it fine, even if some of the sisters (cough, cough) are not going to be seeing much of each other in the near future...Which brings me to Melissa'a news. She is planning on becoming the first Ameoba to legally tie the knot. I wish her all the luck (even though I think she should wait until she's graduated and secured a well-paying job.) But because I don't totally approve of her fiance, she has not spoken one word to me since February. (Not that I'm keeping track...)

Any other news worth noting? Well, my trip to Italy is drawing ever closer. Only 27 days. AAAK! That means I only have 27 days to spend with my officially unofficial boyfriend! That's right, I finally got a guy to ask me out. And not just any guy, but a guy I actually like! Well, I have got to go, since I have two IM conversations going, and that takes a lot of concentration. BYE! Have fun and I shall see you later!

BAND ROX!!!!!!!!!

The Ameoba Family all started almost two years ago (!!!!)...when Lorenzo and Melissa got "married"... If you want to hear the rest of the story, you better go to the HISTORY page, or else you'll be left in the dark... Please be sure to visit everyone's site, but mostly LO'S cause that would be him typing this sentence! And you'll notice a special "Ameoba Bill of Rights" pajina on the HISTORY page. Yes We DO have a lot of Spare time! So kick back, relax and whatever you do, DON'T think AmeobA!

Members of the Ameoba Family (in case you didn't already know...)

Our Homepages

Lorenzo's Page
Melissa's Page
Alexei's Page
Aaron's Page
Katie's Page
Mallory's Page
Mikey's Page
Kelli's Page
Ronnie's Page
David's Page
Ameoba Anthem Page
History page so LO can click here and NOT get lost! haha ok shutting up!...
Picture pajina, so you can gaze upon the beauty of us all
The Ameoba Memories Page! {click for up to date ameoba news}
Some random pictures (to access Mal's Missing Ball, go to Mallory's Homepage)