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Alice Mitchell's Music

My Songs -- Click to Download

Hang Me On the Wall
This is Not My World
My Photo Album

I hope you enjoy my music. All songs were written by me (Alice L. Mitchell) and produced and arranged by Scott Faircloff (yea!). So feel free to listen, but please don't copy or distribute these songs without my permission, because they belong to me (copyright 2003) :) Chances are, if you have found my web site, I sent you here, anyway, so welcome, friends. These three songs are from my demo. If you like it, please feel free to e-mail me an encouraging note at! If you don't, shhhh! (just kidding!) Of course, if you happen to know someone at a Christian record label who might want to listen, I will be happy to provide you with a tangible copy of my demo to hand them. :) If you'd like to know what's going on with me once in a while (be on my mailing list), please e-mail your contact information to In case you can't tell, I'm kinda new at this, but I know that God has a plan, so I'm interested to see where He takes me -- aren't you? =o)

If you don't know me, you may be interested to know what I'm all about. First and foremost, I want to use my life to glorify God and know Him intimately. But I am drawn to make a difference in the lives of those in this world who don't know just how special they are to God; He may seem distant to you or you may not really believe that He cares about you more than anything. I read an interesting thing in the Bible study that I'm currently working through (Breaking Free by Beth Moore)-- Beth said that she was speaking at a conference and she asked the women to turn to the woman next to them and say "I am special and loved by God" or something of that nature, and they all changed it to "you" instead of "I". is a reflection on that idea that we never find it as easy to take ownership of God's love and affection for ourselves as we do for others. If you'd like to know more about me or my music, please e-mail me!/blockquote> Beloved child of God, please take hold of this truth: God so loved (your name here) that He gave His only begotten son that (your name here) should not perish but have eternal life! Eternal life means so much more than escaping an eternity in hell; it means that God Himself wants to know you and to make Himself known to you! He thinks you are wonderful and beautiful, and He wants to help you to realize how special you are so that you can have life to the fullest. Hold on to that :)