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.::Kevin’s Stuff::.

9/21/03-I just got my this thing up, I couldn’t do it with the site Lindsey was using cause you either have to pay for to be a member or you get a code from somebody else, anyways, I just wanted to make one of these so people could see wut I’m thinking about and they could maybe get to know me a little bit more. Anyways, I’ve been doing summer school lately and its been really boring, all we do is get lectured all day and today I pretty much was asleep the whole time, thank god we I don’t get homework. Well that’s it for today, later-

9/22/03-Guess what everyone, today thrice’s new album comes out,” The Artist In The Ambulance”, if you don’t know who Thrice is you have to check them out on kazaa or something This is definitely a kick ass band and their album deserves to be bought. I myself have listened to a couple songs from the new album and I think its awesome, I hope u guys or girls feel the same,later-