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Webmistris' Free Backgrounds and CODE

The background song, "Fight No More" is promoted and LICENSED by Edward DeJesus (used with permission) -

Left click on the examples below

(FREE for any members or organizations

You must upload (SAVE-BACKGROUND AS) the FREE background files to your OWN web space, (directions) please DO NOT directly link to the backgrounds, it won't work

Below are examples of the FREE backgrounds

**Profile Panel and Note Covers for your BP, MiGente or Asian Avenue Member Pages ** see NEW links at Webmistris Main Page

REMEMBER - Remember, it's always best to make a backup copy of your page, you can highlight your txt and html code at the personal messages box and paste it to "notepad" and save it to your hard drive as a backup. Just in case you make a mistake, if you do make a mistake, you can copy your backup over the existing messed up code on your page J . Believe me I've had to use it before. (Today, as a matter of fact)


If you need to use my web space and/or customized html code or special backgrounds - Click HERE and for a small donation (for the web space and my time). I'll do it for you. Please specify the number of the background, your BP member name on your money order. The number is located at the top of the example background below - by the way, the numbering and the labels (website logos) will NOT show up on your actual background, etc.

** YOU can use the code below for any background that you already have


Once you have the background file uploaded to your (BP) web space, you will need to edit the code in the GRAY box below and put the name of the new background file name "in-between" the parenthesis (new file name.jpg)

PASTE the edited code at the top of your PERSONAL MESSAGE Box with your new background name (new file name.jpg)

Click for BP Directions

(Highlight the code then hold down your CTRL key and hit your C key on your keyboard to COPY) the alert box will let you know that too

<!-- BEGIN --><style>BODY {background - image: url(new file name.jpg) fixed}--> </style><!-- END -->


Thumbnails (small - Examples) of FREE Backgrounds

Or I can make a special one for you Click HERE (SMALL DONATIONS)

LEFT click on the example below to see full 800x600 background

When the background (page) loads up, RIGHT click on it and "SAVE Background AS" to your hard drive

Click on the link below for further instructions

Instructions for putting the background on your BP web space

I can make small changes to the background in example: the color, size, contrast, brightness, etc. Want YOUR photos made into backgrounds for your page?? Or with borders, lightening, and frames etc. (Enhanced) or you can use my web space to host your pics or backgrounds $$ - with customized html code to copy and paste to your page, do-it-yourself or I can add it to your page for you! Requesting a small donation <<<- due to the amount of requests, so before you ask. This will motivate you to read or donate…




 Back to my BP Page

Back to Music Lady's Main Music Page (with links to the GURLies/Dolls and MIDI codes)

** NEW **More Backgrounds - (Copy and Paste)

Images and Codes (all memberships)

Clip Art and Jazz Codes (4 Pages)

Background HELP and Requests (small donations)

Music Help and Requests (small donations)

Sign or View my Guest Book / VOTE for Me



NEW COUNTER FOR BP - As of 6/16/2002-6:32a.m. (K=thousand)