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Fan Encounters

Name: Jen
Encounter: okay here i was at Giants Stadium for the NSYNC concert (what else) i had floor seats right by the VIP section...anyway...i called my best friend Kelley from my cell right before nysnc is about to go bad at stories...and wade walks RIGHT by me...he was seriously 2 inchs away from my hand! I played it cool, and when he was far enough away i screamed, hung the phone up on my friend, and grabbed the camera...ran the the VIP section and snagged a few pics.

Name: Natasha
Encounter: I was at Giants Stadium on June 3, 2001 and I was by the Tour Buses while a whole lot of other people. We were all there for the same reason, to get a glimpse of *Nsync or anyone else. So, were all chilling there and all of a sudden I here massive screaming that's coming closer. My heart stops and a turn around to see Wade on a golf cart! And I tried to get my camera out to take a picture, but my hands were like shaking so when I did get it out his back was facing me. LoL. He looked so surprized girls were like screaming for him. I wasn't :)

Name: Lindsay
Encounter: Last year i went to see *NSYNC in Biloxi and i went to their hotel and wade was like in the lobby, but this was before anyone knew who he was. We talked to him and took pictures with him. I dont' think we talked much except that he was saying he was the choreographer and stuff. He was really sweet and really nice and HOTT!!! our pictures are cute!

Name: Mary
Encounter: May 28th 2001, Hershey, Pennsylvania, Nsync Pop Odyssey Concert
Me and my sister were out in the back, during the soundcheck and stuff, and all the opening acts were walking in and out of the doors that led to the stage so we were trying to get pictures and all that. I was mostly trying to get BBMak, because I was seriously five feet away from their bus, and I was calling out to them and stuff. But then I saw 3LW and me and my sister went closer to them, but people were all crowding around us and stuff, and I said "OH man, I really want to see 3LW" and then all of a sudden this lady goes (she was part of the tour...I don't know what thought) "You guys want a picture of 3LW" and me and my sister told her "Yeah!" so she grabbed my sisters camera, walked us past security lines, and she called out to 3LW, and basically they came over, and we got pictures!! By the way, they are tiny!! LOL Because I'm like 4'6 or 4'7 or 4'8 lol, I don't know for sure, but I'm tiny for the 9th grade, and they were about my height. So it was right when the picture was taken that WADE walked by with some girl...probably a dancer, and I called out to him and I was like "Wade!! Can I get a picture!?" and he just turned around, and just looked and at me, but kept walking. And Kiely of 3LW (Long hair, sings lead on 'No More (Baby I'ma Do Right') goes "Do you want me to get him?" and (I know you're gonna think I'm crazy) I said "No thats ok" I was kinda pissed that he just walked off like that, and didn't say "sorry I have no time" or whatever, but he just walked off. And I was WAYYY too excited to even ask about Nsync or BBMak..stupid me. I know! My first concert too!! Anyway, thats my 'Wade' experience.