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History Of Dundalk

Dundalk  (Dun Dealgan) means Dealgan's Fort. A town located mid-way between Belfast and Dublin on the east coast of Ireland in the barony of Upper Dundalk, the county of Louth (An Lu) and province of Leinster. Population around 26,000.

The town has been an urban centre since the late 12th century when it was granted a charter by the Norman knight Bertram de Verdon.

The name Dundalk comes from the Gaelic Dun Dealgan. Dealga being a local chieftain of pre-Celtic origin, the fort was located at Castletown mount.

Around 3500 BC a group of people known as Neolithic people came to Ireland. One of the lasting features they left behind is the Proleek Dolmen (the cap stone weighs in at 40 tons!!) at Ballymascanlon, on the northern side of Dundalk.

The Celts arrived in Ireland around 500 BC having colonized most of Europe. The group that settled in North Louth were known as the Conaille Muirtheimhne and took their name from Conaill Carnagh, legendary chief of the Red Branch Knights of Ulster. Their land now forms upper and lower Dundalk.

In 1169 the Norman Army arrived in Ireland and set about conquering areas if Ireland. In 1185 a Norman nobleman named Bertrum De Verdon erected a manor house at Castletown Mount. The town of Dundalk was developed as it lay close to an easy bridging point over the Castletown river.

In the 17th century Lord Limerick, Earl of Clanbrasil created the modern town we know today. He was responsible for the construction of streets leading to the town centre. His ideas came from many visits to Europe.

In the 19th century the town grew in importance and many industries were set up in the local area. This development was helped considerably by the construction of a railway linking Dublin with Belfast, the expansion of the docks area or "Quay" and the setting up of a board of commissioners to run the town.

The town continued to grow in the 20th century. Many industries prospered and provided employment for generations of townspeople. Today many fine international companies have facilities in Dundalk, from food-processing to high-tech computer companies like Heinz, National Pen, Panasonic, Quantum, Acurray, Simm Strible and two important breweries: The Great Northern Brewery and Cambricville  (McArdle Moore)

It is also a home for many fine first and second level schools including the Excellent Regional Technical College

By Kris

The Corrs Wave
Updated: Monday, January 28, 2002