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In the story of To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee uses the perspective of a young girl to investigate many difficult themes. Scout watches white men take away a black mans life because a racial lie. She finds out the true meaning of courage. She also finds out that her family has suffered from depression

One of these themes is racism. For example, in this novel the Scout, Jem, and Dill talk about the problems that mixed kids have. Jem tells Dill and Scout that no one likes the mixed kids. This is because they have black and white blood. White people don't like them because there half black, and black people don't like them because there half white. In addition, the Tom Robinson trial shows racism. For example the people in the jury are all white there is also no females. This shows that people don't want to let Tom go free because he is black. Most of the people in the courtroom can see that he is probably innocent but choose not to. As a result many people were racist in this time period and were against africans.

Another of these themes is courage. For example, Atticus defends Tom Robinson even though people are upset about it. This shows that Atticus doesn't care if people don't kike him defending Tom. This is because Atticus believes Tom didn't' rape Mr. Ewells's daughter because Atticus is not judgmental. As a result people callAtticus an "N" lover, and other names. In addition, Mrs. Dubose is a morphine addict. Mrs. Dubose decided to kick the habit. This shows that Mrs. Dubose has a lot of will power. This is because Mrs. Dubose wants to leave the world hooked to nothing and no one. As a result Mrs. Dubose abandoned her morphine and died "as free as mountain air."

One more theme that Harper Lee covers is depression. For example Atticus and his family are at the bottom of the middle class. One day Scout and her dad, Atticus are talking about Walter Cunningham. Atticus tells Scout that Walter is poor he doesn't have money to pay for the things people do for his family. Scout asks Atticus if they are poor, and he says yes. In addition Bob Eweel and his family are very poor. For example, the Eweels live next to the county dumpsite. This is because they are poor and can't afford to live anywhere else. This is because Bob Eweel doesn't spend his welfare money on food, he buys alcohol. He also hunts out of season. As a result many people don't have a lot of money.

Two summers have gone past since the book has started. Scout has been through many happy times and struggles since the book has begun. She has learned many lessons and brought her family closer. She now knows the truth of courage, seen how blacks were treated, and has learned a lesson on depression

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