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                                    Welcome to  My personal homepage and piece of the internet to display my
                                fabracation skills.   I do custom audio installs in trucks and cars.  Custom fiberglass sub enclosures,
                                amp racks, speaker pods, custom mounts for screens and gauges, and other items that can't be bought
                                that have to be built custom.  I can install alarms, CD/DVD players,  screens, power locks/windows,
                                but I try and keep away from that as I am not a licenced MECP installer.   Right now TZ Customz is
                                not a 'real' company, just a name so far.  I don't charge rediculsly high prices like stereo shops,  a few
                                bucks and some beer and I am happy.  I also do some steal work, misc welding and customizing.
                                    If your in the Brockville area and are intersted in some custom work, send me an email Guywithhat


The Home of TZ Customz


                             has had a complete overhaul.  Still waiting on this snow to melt and get warm
                                 so I can start fiberglassing.  The business is currenly ran out of my dads garage/driveway, until I find a 
                                 house of my own with a garage and get out of my apartment.  There was talks of moving to
                                 C'z Autobody in Prescott

A few friends, random people and I are trying to get together every Saterday or every other
                                   Saterday to go out and play paintball.  Must have your own paintball marker, goggles, airtank and paint
                                  There will be a small fee to cover CO2 for the day, and you supply your own paintballs.  If interested
                                   contact me at Guywithhat 



Copyright TZ CustomZ 1998 was named for my love of 15 inch sub woofer in 1998