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Street Team

"Only a life lived for others is worth living"- Albert Einstein

Monday, March 18th 2002

Sean Kelly, Ryan Barkwell, Bruce Nicol and Mike Eastick


Team Missions


Message Board

About Slurpymundae


03/18/02-Hello kids and welcome! There is goind to be some changes around here

As for updates,and things that are new: I'm updating everything, I'm redoing the look of the site...the whole nine yards. I will post all profiles and I will post any and all info and pictures that I have.If you want to change, remove or add something on your profile or even if something is missing, just write to us at our e-mail and put PROFILE in the subject line. Also ADAM, BETH, JANINE, SCOTT, MARCO, DAVE, CHRIS and KASSY and I have our pics up so check it out! I also added Chris, and Andrew and changed Lia's details. The Team Missions are also posted in their riteful place.

As for good news: The site is going to get updated and get a make-over

As for bad news: The contest isn't getting enough participation come on guys!!! Lots of loot is on the line!

I'll be working my bum off on this thing don't you worry!!! This is only the beginning! That's all for now! Stay tuned for more updates!