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Welcome to the Zero Signal website!

Who Cares about the date: Wow the website is still up. Thats amazing! So does anyone even check this thing anymore? I'm just dropping an update in here trying to keep the site alive. lol Fuck yeah, Zero Signal Woo Hoo. Well everyone its been fun but I dont think youll ever hear from Zero Signal again. Everyone kinda went their own ways and are doing great. Vince is rocking with Now A Murderer and Mike is rocking with his band. So I really think its going to take a lot to get back together, but if anyone wants us to you should yell at Vince on Myspace and let him know. Mike and I also have a myspace but I'd rather you yell at vince. So its been fun everyone. Thanks to all of you who have ever came to see us play a show. That meant alot to us. Zero signal was all of our first bands and it will always be remembered by me. Once again thanks.


January 30: Just in case anybody still checks this thing...I'll make an update. Mike is playing with his new band that now has about five songs...I'm not sure about the name of the band. The rest of us are jamming and existing, I asume. I'm working at the campus radio station here in platteville, I'm on air thursday nights with a couple other guys.
Check us out The Heavy Metal Meltdown, the best damn metal in the tri-states

I might jam with a band this summer in Racine. They kick ass, most of you probably know who they are. I'll post when stuff is finalized.
Anyway, check me out, as well as other people and bands, on

Oh, and the message board is down due to inactivity and I'm not going to reactivate it, but the guestbook will still be here to post on, plus contact information is still in the band bio section.

Rock on,

October 6: Mike Wrycza has officially joined a new project in Racine. They are frickin amazing and have yet to be named. The fates of Wes, Paul, and myself are yet to be seen, but who knows. As of now, Zero Signal is stagnant at the very least. I will keep the website going, along with the message board. As soon as I know anything solid I will update. I hope to jam a lot when I come home for break in December/ we'll see. Anyway, keep supporting local music, especially HateFightHate and Snooky...two of the coolest and most talented bands in the midwest. Finally...go see Slayer and Killswitch Engage on Nov. might see me there...peace.

September 7: Holy balls an update. Well hello everyone, I've recently been informed of the existence of it as a lot of awesome bands and people. Lamb of God, Shadows Fall, and As I Lay Dying have pages on the site, as well as thousands of local acts including Dear Marla, friends of our from right here in Racine Well anyway the fate of zero signal is anyone's guess, but we will be reborn in some shape, probably heavier. We MIGHT play another as ZS at the Y this fall, I've only heard who knows. But the site will stay running no matter what happens, so keep postin on the board and be cool.

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