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news 7.19.03.
So ...the new six song Sixtyfour e.p. is finally in the can, and I must admit, we're pretty happy with the way it came out. We're still working on a title and artwork, but the cd should be available late summer/ early fall. In related news, the brand new, more interactive Sixtyfour website is in the works, and trust me, it's been a long time coming. It will feature lots of new photos, merch and mp3's, in addition to a MUCH more frequently updated news section and maybe even some contests involving the new e.p. we'll be getting our own domain, so you can kiss those annoying pop up ads goodbye! We're trying to set it up so that the new site sort of coincides with the release of the e.p., so be on the lookout for a whole lot of Sixtyfour related activity in the coming months.

Thanks for being patient ...all things to those who wait,

Mike, Rick and Dave.

news 3.12.03.
Spring is almost upon us and a lot of exciting stuff is going on in Sixtyfour land. First off, a few show announcements.

First off, this Sunday, March 16th we're playing at one of my favorite Pittsburgh venues Mr. Small's Theatre with the always awesome EYELINERS (on Lookout!/Panic Button Records), DON'T LOOK DOWN, PARK and one of my favorite Pittsburgh bands COUNTER ACTION. The festivities will get under way about 6.30-ish, it's of course an ALL AGES show and I believe we're on first.

Our next big show that we really need you guys to try to make it out for is Friday, March 28th at Oakland's notorious Club Laga with the VACANCY (on A-F Records), SECOND BEFORE THE CRASH, FINSTER AND CLEARVIEW. This is gonna start around 6.30 as well, and of course it's an ALL AGES show. This is gonna be awesome ...everyone should seriously try to make it out, we need all the support we can get. And we'll have free cookies at our merch table! Yum!

In other Sixtyfour news, we have some studio time booked at Ambridge, PA's Innertube Studio for this June. We're gonna be recording a six song e.p. that we hope to have out by early Fall. We're currently in the process of shopping demos around to various indie labels to see if we can get anyone to put it out ...if anyone out there has a label or knows someone who has a label that might be interested please email us at We're really excited about going back into the studio and we think this time around it's gonna come out really good. We'll keep you posted.

Hope to see you soon,

Mike, Rick and Dave.

news 12.29.02.
Well, it's been a while since I've done a news update on here, so I guess we've got some catching up to do. We've been playing out pretty regularly, and we've played some awesome shows with well-known bands like the Teen Idols, old friends like Unsound, No On 15, Who's Keeping Score? and the Teen Sensation Glasses, and new friends like the Twirpentines, Good Intentions, SF Firehydrant and Human Liberation Front. We'd like to thank all our friends and the extended Sixtyfour family of everyone who comes out to the shows for giving us a totally rad year of doing what we love: playing music with good friends, having good times and hopefully taking our minds off the daily onslaught of crap for a few hours here and there. We have a lot of really exciting stuff planned for 2003 and we hope you're all along for the ride.

We're currently in the process of recording three brand new songs with our good friend Doug from Human Liberation Front, and so far everything sounds awesome ...we're going back really soon to finish up a few guitar overdubs and do the final mix, and we can't wait to hear the finished project. We'll probably have a song up on for you to check out as soon as we're finished, and all three songs will be out on some format really soon, so keep checking back to the website for info as it develops. Doug's the man, trust me.

We're playing at a New Year's Eve Party at Bob and Joe from Unsound's house this Tuesday, December 31 with Unsound (of course) and a couple of other bands TBA ...if you're friends with Unsound and you know where they live then by all means stop by for an awe inspiring night of drunken rock n' roll debauchery. You won't be disappointed.

See ya next year,

Mike, Rick, and Dave.

news 8.30.02.

This just in ...Sixtyfour has been added to the DIGGER show THIS SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st at The Mr Roboto Project in Wilkinsburg. Show time is 7.00pm, and of course it's an all ages show, so come out to Roboto and support your friendly neighborhood Sixtyfour as well as Digger, Nightmare Scenario and Noticing the Mistake. For a (relatively) complete list of upcoming shows, check out our shows page. Keep checking back for more dates and hopefully we'll be seeing each other soon ...

In not-so-cool news, our September 8th show with New Jersey's Don't Back Down at American Music Cafe has been cancelled for reasons unbeknownst to us. We will be doing a sort of "make up date" at AMC in the not so distant future ...details will be posted on our aforementioned Shows page as they materialize.

As always, we're looking to do as many shows as possible in the coming months. Feel free to contact us at for booking info, etc. The website is being updated a lot more frequently now, so keep checking back for updates, shows, photos and such. And don't forget to sign the (relatively) new guestbook and tell us how dumb we are. I guess that's it for now ...keep on keepin' on.

Mike, Rick, and Dave.

news 7.25.02.

So, ladies and gentlemen, after much anticipation, fingernail biting, cigarette smoking (on Dave's part, anyway) and coffee consumption, the Sixtyfour website is finally up and running. It's still very much "under construction", as the saying goes, but we should have lots of rad pics, mp3's, and other assorted randomness up very, very soon.

As far as shows go, we have a ton lined up, and they'll be posted on the "shows" page sooner or later... we're always looking to play ("any time, any place", that's our motto), so feel free to email us at for booking info. We're in the process of trying to set up a small East Coast tour for the Fall, more info will be posted here as it develops. And thanks again to everyone who came out to support the Six-fo' at Angry Johnny's, Howlers, and the Rex Theater, it really means a lot to us. I must admit we're a little out of our element playing to the 21+ set, but we had a great time and enjoyed the opportunity to rock out no matter what the circumstances. And free drinks are nice. So there.

We've also been gearing up to head back into the studio. Right now we're looking at September, but we'll have to play it by ear. We'll once again be tracking at Ambridge, PA's Innertube Studio, with recording guru/mad scientist Nick Kucel (Unsound, Whatever It Takes, the Code, Whack-A-Mole, etc.) engineering/producing. We still have a bunch of copies of our first self titled e.p., which you can obtain here on the "stuff you need" page, or at any Sixtyfour shows. Well, I just made a pot of coffee, better get to it before it starts getting cold...

Mike, Rick, and Dave.

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