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Fees slashed ! 



BEFORE $ 70 per lesson     NOW    $ 40 per lesson 


Live distant-teaching: thirty minutes per week


Live teaching of Indian Classical Music is available. Only a few students will be acceptable [for each discipline] to be taught under this mode. To start, we only invite registration in sitar and tabla Prof. Sanjoy Bandopadhyay, the distinguished teacher and performer, will be teaching the students of sitar and Mr. Angshubha Banerjee will be teaching the tabla.  There will be thirty minutes of live lesson per week where the students of any level may join. The lessons will be unique to match individual requirements.

This program is especially suitable for both beginners and quite advanced level students those require video help to understand hand movements and postures or require long discussions. The general students may opt for general mode.

The web-transmission of live teaching will depend on the effective throughput speed during the session. We do not guarantee high quality audio/video transmission. But, we shall try to keep the quality at a standard through which the thought transmission between the teacher and the student may effectively take place.

Pre-registration is necessary to join this program. To avail this course you may first join the currently available program and add US $50 to register for this live teaching program.  The course fees for live teaching program is as follows:


¨       One time registration fees: US $ 50

¨       Fees for one term of 12 lessons/ 3 months [unit @ US $40]: US $ 480


Fees may be paid at the starting of a term.


Please send your payment through the Western Union Before payment send a mail to have further details before sending the payment.


Please send the following details along with your current performance recorded on any common media [CD/cassette tape/mini disc] and send by snail mail. Please click to download the form in .pdf format. 





¨       Click to mail for further queries

¨       General details




Last updated April 24, 2003