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Shorty Raww a.k.a Freddie Mackin' "G"


Shorty Raww is a young entreprenuer in the making. Founding Raww Records in 1999 he is on the way to making his dreams reality. Steping to the mic in 1990, Shorty Raww proves his self to being one of theillest M.C.'s in Chicago. He started performing on stage in front of crowds of hundreds in 1994 at Chicago Public Schools. In 1995, Shorty Raww, then known as "Freddie Mackin' G" released his first underground album titled "The Mack". Then he released to more albums in 1996, and 1997, "Young Playa", and "In My Eyes". In 1997, Shorty Raww, Divine Retropect and Big L had a vision of starting a production company, Music Life Productions. Shorty Raww began performing at many colleges, and night clubs in the Chicago area. Shorty Raww had a tragedy in the family about that time. His father, "Freddie B" died, and his life was headed down the drain. Shorty Raww had to struggle hard to take care of himself, and his mother who became an alcoholic after his father died. Almost two years later his mother "Cindy" died. Shorty Raww used the mic to try to keep himself out of trouble, but he was so distructive he landed his self in jail for a while. After his release he hit the Music Life Studios to try to stay right. As for now, Shorty Raww is working on his new solo album "IN DA MIND OF A MASTERMIND" which will be released locally in Chicago. He has also been working with Urban & DJ M80 on a new genre of music which consist of a combination of Hip-Hop & Rock music. The album "Prophetz of Poverty, Original Unwanteds" will be the next break to open up doors in the Hip-Hop culture. Shorty Raww is also planning to do a double CD compilation album which will be completly produced by himself, and it will feature many artist from all across the country. Shorty Raww is one of the best Hip-Hop producers in Chicago, and if you havn't had a track produced by him, then you should. In Da Mind Of A Mastermind will be released early 2004.

Copyright 2003 Raww Records

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