
Mystery's Dreams




It takes strength to be firm.
It takes courage to be gentle.

It takes strength to stand guard.
It takes courage to let down your guard!


 While we dance we have eagle talons piercing each of our two chests, that attach by a long strap about 30 feet long. We dance for the people & Earth our mother. To let her know that some people come not only asking and taking, but giving as well. We give our most precious gift, our flesh & blood. At the last day we pull real hard and the straps that attach us to the “Tree of Life”  break through our flesh thus offering our flesh and blood in place of words Few words are spoken during this solemn ceremony. Native American people consider ourselves as caretakers of the Earth.






Music Pages


Lost Without Your Love


CANCER, SCORPIO, and PISCES are the intuitive and emotional Water signs. They wear their hearts on their sleeves and rightly so, for their hearts are pure and kind. Though they pretend, in different ways, to be dry, they can't help but well up with compassion at the slightest sob story. But they can afford to be a little more giving than the rest of us because, for all their apparent insecurity, they can never come to real harm. It's easy to disperse water but hard to destroy it. Sooner or later, even if it has to seep underground or evaporate in order to escape, water always finds its way to more water. If you seek a companion full of heartfelt feeling, look no further. If you prefer less fluidity or you fear being swamped by ever-changing moods, you're out of your depth here..

from an excerpt from Jonathan Cainer's Forecasts

Cancerians have often been likened to crabs because of the way they are 'soft and vulnerable' on the inside, yet have a very tough shell.  It has also been suggested that, just as crabs scuttle sideways, so Cancerians prefer to take a subtle indirect approach to their goals.  The real link, however, is simpler.  Crabs lives are governed by the tides which are ruled by the Moon.  As  a Cancerian, this is so typical. 

What Makes a Cancerians tick?

On the whole, Cancers have an unassuming manner but, underneath, they're as sharp as stainless steel scissors! Their insight is instinctive rather than analytical but (particularly when it comes to people) they rarely miss a trick. This immaculate judgment of character is their greatest asset. Cancers have a powerful desire to nurture, cherish and protect. Naturally this makes them loyal and loving. They operate on heartfelt emotion which is why they are so often on the defensive. Like a crab, retreating into it's shell, Cancerians often protect themselves by shutting out anything that could be potentially hurtful or harmful.

I wish my instinct didn't work as well as it does at times.  It would make my life a whole lot easier.


Today I Needed You

You were my partner, my soul mate, the love of my life as I was yours.

My life is lost without you.


Today I needed you
but you weren't there.
I guess more than you will ever know
Sometimes it gets difficult to keep up a front
And smile when you are hurting.

I wonder if you realize how much your love means to me
When times get tough  and you are there to just hold me
To rock me in your arms, kiss the top of my head
And whisper I love you in my ear.

When I get lonely or afraid I think of you.
And how much you have dealt with the absurdities of life
With a smile on your face and a positive outlook in your heart.
You were my rock.

Today I needed you... but I just couldn't tell you how much.
Maybe someday you will understand.
I doubt you will ever.
But for now, suffice to say,   I love you.
With all my heart and soul..... 


Soft PinkPajamas

Copy write

"A Native American elder once

 described his own inner
struggles in this manner: 
Inside of me there are two dogs. 
One of the dogs is mean and evil. 

 The other dog is good. 

The mean dog fights the

 good dog all the time."

When asked which dog wins, 
he reflected for a moment and replied, 
"The one I feed the most."
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