South Colonie Friends of Music, Inc. P.O. Box 5195 Albany, NY 12205-0195 WEBSITE * * * * * M E M B E R S H I P A P P L I C A T I O N * * * * * Circle one: Grand Benefactor: $100.00 (or more) Benefactor: $50.00 Contributor $25.00 Sponsor $20.00 Friend $15 Other $_________ NAME: ________________________________________________________________ (As you wish it to appear in the program) MAILING ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ I WISH TO VOLUNTEER! (Optional) NAME ________________________________ Phone No.________________ My children attend the following school(s): (Child's name) (School) (Grade) __________________________/____________________________/______ __________________________/____________________________/______ __________________________/____________________________/______ If you are willing to be a FRIENDS OF MUSIC Volunteer, please circle area(s)of interest: School Representative Serving on Committees Telephoning Baking for after-concert receptions Other (Specify)___________________________________________ ARE YOU: New member__Renewal__SCFOM Board Member__Faculty__Other___ =====> Please mail to: SCFOM, P.O. Box 5195, Albany, NY 12205-0195 <==== THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING YOUR SCHOOL DISTRICT'S MUSIC PROGRAM!