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Anthony Brown: Baritone

See Anthony Brown's New Web Site at:


"One was astonished by the revelation he gave through these simple musical gems.  He indeed is an extraordinary interpretive genius."

The Chicago Defender

"Anthony Brown's mellow baritone found little difficulty in wraping itself around the bass register of Porgy's arias"

Journal American

"Tony has a fine baritone voice and is a superb musician.  He can sing in many styles from lieder to folksongs and always builds a  warm communication with his listeners."

American composer Alice Parker


Anthony Brown is well established as a performer of opera, oratorio, art song, contemporary works and spirituals.  The Seattle Times has called him "a warm and noble baritone who sings spirituals with the same care that a singer lavishes on German Leider."  The New York City Concert Review recently called him "a singer of real accomplishment."  A consummate actor in all genres, Mr. Brown brings the audience into the world of the music he is singing.
Much in demand as a concert artist, he has made a specialty of performing music of the American experience..  He has appeared with orchestra and in recital in Europe, the United States and Canada.  He has appeared as an oratorio soloist performing Bach's St. Matthew's Passion, Handel's Messiah, Beethoven's Ninth , Mozart's Requiem, Brahms' Ein Deutsches Requiem and Mendelssohn's Elijah.

 He has collaborated with pianist Lisa Bergman producing two compact discs recordings.  The First release was in 1995 and was entitled Spirituals.  His most recent recording, Embracing American Song, was released in February of 1999.  Mr. Brown is currently working on his third CD in collaboration with the Spirituals Project Choir  from Denver Colorado, scheduled date for recording is May 2002.

Anthony Brown is artist in residence at Hesston College. He is also a member of the teaching faculty and teaches African American History and Introduction to Social Welfare. In addition, he provides vocal coaching to interested music students.

Mr. Brown has traveled extensively across the United States as well as internationally, performing music of the American experience. He has lectured widely on the role and function of the African American spiritual within the context of slavery. In 1995 he recorded a CD of this music, which was highly acclaimed, entitled Spirituals. "This music, (he notes) graphically captures the deep despair of the soul and offers hope for deliverance from oppression and suffering through the power of God. People from all over the world connect with this universal theme. The spiritual is truly a testament to the strength and resilience of the human spirit."

He is also very knowledgeable concerning the genre of music known as American Song. He has traveled widely giving lectures and concerts to varied audiences, introducing them to interesting historical facts about this music.  In 1999 he recorded a CD entitled Embracing American Song. This recording offers a variety of music from the eighteen hundreds and includes popular song, music derived from folk origins, music heavily impacted upon by the romanticism of the 19th century, hymn tunes and African American Spirituals.

He has made recent appearances at the University of Washington, the University of Pennsylvania and Princeton University. In addition he is
currently collaborating with The Spirituals Project in Denver Colorado in preparation for their forthcoming PBS Documentary.

More Reviews

Here are a few more quotes from newspapers around the country:.

"Anthony Brown Sings Spirituals"....sung by a warm and noble baritone, with the same care a singer lavishes on German Lieder".
The Seattle Times

"A baritone with a perfectly placed voice, authoritative, yet as big and penetrating and warm as the sunshine".
The Kitchener Ontario Record

"A singer of Real accomplishment".
New York Concert Review.

"Listeners were so appreciative of Brown's performance that they clapped him back for two encores"
 The Newton Kansan


Principal Operatic Roles include :

Current CDs and Tapes:

Songs From 1995 Spirituals recording on audio tape and CD:

Songs From 1999Embracing American Song recording on audio tape and CD:


Upcoming performances:

Anthony Brown
Presents a
Paul Robeson Tribute Concert

Baritone, Anthony Brown Embraces
American Song



Bosnia Tour


Contact: Andrea Springer

27 West 27th Avenue
Hutchinson, KS  67502-3423
phone:  620.669.6855