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General Information

There are a few rules that you must follow inorder to join RFTS.

1. This is not a website is not a joke. Please do not make a mockery out of it by submitting fake pictures and/or wavs.

2. If you are under 18, I strongly recommend you have parental permission to put your pictures and biography on here.

3. Do not send ANY personal information [ex. home address, phone number, etc] for safety reasons. I will not put them up, however email addresses/screen names are fine.

4. Do not ask me for the password to get into this website. If you need something added or need me to fix something, just email/IM me and I will fix it, no problem.

5. This website supports ALL types of music anywhere from rock ro christian. Do not insult any artist on this website. Please have respect for everyone.

*You will be removed from the website if you do not follow all of these rules. I do not think they are that hard to follow.*

Things you must have:
  • Picture[s]
  • Wav[s] (obviously)
  • Completed biography
  • Email address [or a way for me to contact you]

    Please copy and paste the following information into an email and send it to:

    Type of Music:

    Also send a wav/mp3, picture[s], a full biography, lyrics if you wish, and anything else you would like me to put up on the site for you.

    Any other questions, just email or IM me. My AIM SN is PeachyJess28. Thanx and Enjoy!

    Also Join the group for updates and new members: