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Welcome to the Purple Lily Pad!

Welcome to the Purple Lily Pad!

Rylee poses next to her new sister, Averie!
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Cleaned up a few pages

Put a new pic on Home page

Thanks for visiting my website! If you've visited before, then you know that I've been majorly slacking on this site lately. I first started this website as an undergrad at Eastern Illinois University, staying up late at night learning some good 'ol HTML. I put tons of time into it. I taught myself to do things the old fashioned way... no Frontpage here! That was back in the day when I had the time to do that... back when I lived a block away from class, had my meals made for me in the downstairs dining hall, and spent more time at my computer chatting on AIM than I did studying.

That was probably close to 6 years ago. Since then I started dating a great guy, graduated with my bachelor's degree, got a job, got married, got a better job, graduated with my MBA, and bought a house. That's a busy 6 years! But I've always tried to keep in touch with this website. Even though I can't devote the time I used to spend on it anymore, I still check up once in awhile.

So, long story short, keep in touch! I may not appear to be around much, but I'm definately here. I've grown up a lot since I started this site, even though some of the pages may not reflect that yet. ;) Stick around awhile... things could get interesting!

Jatteberry 1/8/06

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