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Name: Cindy
Gender: Female (No duh)
DOB: April 18
Location: Calgary, Alberta
School: Bishop McNally
Race: Asian (Chinese/Viet)
Martial Status: Taken by my hunny, Vince
Favorites: Watching TV, listening to music,
singing, talking on the phone, watching anime,
hanging out with my friends.


Vinson: Hey! How are you? Anyway, yup you're
first on my shoutouts. Hehe.'re so cute!
I have good taste in guys, eh? Hehe. So, I'm happy
that you're mine. Yup, I've claimed you. Hehe. How
do you feel about that? Anyway, you're a complete
sweetheart so don't change, okay? Now I can't
think of anything else to say...'cept "I love ya!"

Renee: Hey girl! I've known you for how many
years now? I think its about 5 years but hey, in
those 5 years you've been an awesome friend! Thanx
for lending me a shoulder to cry on and remember,
I'll be here if you need me. And always remember,
"perfect without the p" so it's "erfect"?!(inside
joke)lol. Odd child you! And yes, you will get a
b/f soon. Don't worry! Just trust me.

Heather: We have been though a lot, haven't we?
You're a cool and sweet person. I hope you stay
that way 4eva! Thanx for everything, hun! Awww! You <