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1. This website contains swearing, lots and lots of swearing. If you dont like it I'd click the back button on your browser.

2. This website is the only place I can truly voice myself without being told to shut up. If you don't like my opinions EMAIL ME, if I get something terribly wrong EMAIL ME and set me straight, Im an open minded guy, Ill listen and ill make the changes you seek if i agree. However if you are full of s**t I might have to publicly humiliate you. I respect peoples opinions but I dont respect people who hate my opinions for stupid reasons (example: "Faggots need to be shot, why do you like them so much? Are you one?" this kind of attitude will result in severe humiliation)

3. This website is designed to entertain and enlighten and to give my warped twisted mind somewhere to flow my thoughts. I'm a pennyless guy who works in a video shop just to buy a computer to go to university with. If you want to take out some kind of legal action against me for what Ive said on my site, email me, ill change it and then label you my "A**hole of the month".

4. I apoligise for all the pop ups. Get a pop up blocker from here, The only reason I made this page was to offload all that onto a page you probably won't even read, so Im sorry and if you find a way to put up a free website without adverts messing up the site EMAIL ME. Meanwhile click on the legend to enter the site.


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