"Jeff Thacher the Sprnkler Man"

He showers his audience with loving spit,
His fans are insane so they don't mind a bit.
His lips like a drum, his tongue like a violin,
Some people say he's quite stylin'.
Jeff Thacher, Jeff Thacher the sprinkler man,
If he can't do it, than nobody can.

So one day, the world was about to explode.
The president was stupid, and about to implode.
Jeff Thacher heard, and off he flew.
And saved the world.....So what's new?
Jeff Thacher, Jeff Thacher the sprinkler man.
If he can't do it, than nobody can.

Off in the swamps an alligator lay,
An innocent lil' kitty was stalking it's prey.
The reptile opened it's mouth large and wide,
and Suddenly the kitty was there left inside.
Up popped Jeff Thacher, to wrestle the monster,
And saved the kitty's life, without losing an Armster.
Jeff Thacher, Jeff Thacher the Sprinkler man
If he can't do it, than nobody can.

A taxi cab rushes to the next stop light,
The woman inside her face quite red, and rather bright.
The woman pushed and out popped hte child.
The infant cooed and Jeff Thacher smiled.
He cut the umbellical cord and smiled once more,
Then passed out, and with a loud thump hit the floor.
Jeff Thacher, Jeff Thacher the sprinkler man,
If he can't do it, than nobody can.

By: Jo Wischkowsky

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