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"OK everybody needs to calm down and keep their panties on:"

"nya nya nya"

"Being solid and big and interesting without enhancement is where everyone should start before adding effects and equipment. Then any add-ons become an enhancement and not a replacement! That said, I'm never opposed to the concept of experimentation."

"(OK I know there are Rockapella fans out there who will now chide me for inadvertantly saying things which can be interepreted in a more X rated way....I tried but failed to avoid's not my fault!)"

"A pale imitation of Barry Carl's depth..."

"You don't sound good unless you have good sound."

"I'm sweaty but I'm single."

"You know how Pennsylvania is."

"This is my first strip club. I'm very excited. . .actually my third."

"What are you talking about? I do that dance for every Pretty Woman."

"I indulge openly."

This stuff looks GOOD!"

"They like the music! They like it! They singing it after they listen!"

"And then I started making funny noises with my toys."

"Y'know, whenever Rockapella gets together in one place there's one thing that brings us all together. Telephones"

"Nein! "

"You know how Pennsylvania is."

"I have fish. They watch PBS."

My father played the spoons.

"Practice is good for the lips."

"The Qutoes Page (which made me laugh; I had no idea I was so funny.)"

"to the best of my information (don't hit me if I'm wrong). "

"The most fun answer is 'I spit for money'."

"Shooby Dooby Doo. "

"Do you know any dirty words?"

"There are a lot of things going on with my mouth and my tongue."

"It's my thang...."

"'Acappella' is the medium, or the tool, but it's cacapoopoo without musicality."

"No I don't have any kids - but I'm fertile."May 3rd 2002 Portage MI concert

"Get your own sound effects, bitch."