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Philip's Webpage 2004


Shoutouts to Friends (Updated but not completely done)
Photo Gallery - PICTURES duh!
COMING SOON!! Full Listing of Lyrics Written by Yours Truly & Guilty As Charged Lyrics
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Hi! I'm Philip, im 18, (19 In March 2004) I live in Harrow, London, United Kingdom. I finished my A-Levels last summer yay! I'm working for an internet software company right now ( before that I was working at the Houses of Parliament as a tourguide.

I play drums (and also rhythm guitar to a point), I've passed my Grade/Level 8 Drums & Percussion with both Rock School & Trinity College Boards and I'm in a couple of bands/orchestras. Also passed my Grade 8 Theory recently as well.

I like playing most sports especially rugby, cycling, badminton, table tennis. I like watching most sports except horse stuff...yawn. My football team is Arsenal (local boys) and I love watching Ice Hockey (Philadelphia FLYERS!)

Email me on the remote chance that there is something that you actually want to know lol


I like most music especially Rock, Latin Funk & a little R&B/Pop. I listen to artists such as:
