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All Russian Chants - December




 4. - Venerable John of Damascus

  • Great Vespers, Lord I Call Stichera, Tone 8 What Shall We Call You

 5. - Venerable Savas the Sanctified

  • Great Vespers, Lord I Call Stichera, Tone 1 Martyrs Extolled (Valaam Chant)
  • Great Vespers, Aposticha, w/ Dogmatikon - Tone 2 O House of Ephratha (Znamenny Chant)

 6. - St. Nicholas






 11-17. - Sunday of the Forefathers

  • Praises - Special Melody O House of Ephratha - Tone 2 (Harmonized Valaam Chant)


 13. - Venerable Herman of Alaska

  • Tropar - Lesser Znamenny Chant







 20.- Forefeast of the Nativity

  • Praises, with Doxastikon and Dogmatikon, Tone 6, Go Before, Ye Angelic Hosts

- Righteous Priest John of Kronstadt

  • Tropar - Lesser Znamenny Chant, Tone 4
  • Great Vespers, Lord I Call Stichera, Znamenny Chant, Tone 6 Having Set Aside
  • Orthros, Praises, Tone 8 Glorious Wonder





 25. - Nativity of our Lord





