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Saturday, 27 March 2004
Some good things as of late.
Hey folks, or to anyone who acutally checks this thing out. I've been coming and going a lot. The website hasn't been as active as I'd like it to be, but I can't complain otherwise. Ever since I turned 17, lifes' picked up it's pace. My greatest endeavour now is mainly the music with my sister, and we're slowly but surely trying to get there. But we're also working with some SLOW people, so that's what's really holding us down. However, we plan to get our own equipment and everything, make our own tracks and not worry about having to depend on someone else to record our music. Yeah, I found a drummer! He's coming over tomorrow...or today...whatever. And my air conditioner is not getting any power to it, cause the repair dudes came and shut it off somehow. So, they'll be coming over tomorrow as well. Yeah, besides that I got 10 chickens too. Hey, there's plently enough room out here in country land to raise some chickens. Why not eh? Lol Anywho, now we gotta build a chicken coop. Not a boot-leg one, but one that's gonna last. So after that, I think high school is really just getting in my way. But, if I can't make it and graduate, I'm just glad both of my sisters can. I'm not saying I'm stupid, I just almost can't find the brain effort to put into high school. Oh well, I think I could graduate if I wanted. College? That's a big if. I know I got a lot of things I could study in college, meteorology, english and maybe music. However, I'm also working on trying to build this music endeavour as not just a career, but a business as well. Well, the Dallas Mavericks lost again. Three game losing streak on the road; next game at the Orlando Magic. Pssh, yea farmer. A'ight, I'm tired. Until next month, peace.


Posted by music4/ninjaman0 at 1:08 AM CST
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Sunday, 18 January 2004
Been a really, really, really long ass time!
Yes I know, I'm a big slacker when it comes right down to some certain things. But hey, when you have a busy life, some of those "things" can be just like the shirt at the bottom of the laundry basket: it NEVER get's washed. Lol Anyway, nothing spectacular happened after October and through the end of '03. Shitty year anyway...was dead sick of it. Hopefully '04 will bring us more happiness, and a new President. Gah-lee. Anywho, I realized through all of my searching for young and aspiring musicians, I had one right under my nose; 4 years to be exact. Yeah duh? The guys' name is Omar, and he's a fired up brutha who wants to learn Bass guitar. Yeah I'll teach him, and possibly build a band! But wait, good news! He has next-door neighbors; one's a drummer, and another is a guitarist! And they HAVE all the equipment in their houses!! Hell fuckin' yeah!! So, as of tomorrow, we'll get back in contact during the afternoon. He wants to learn a bass-line, trick it out into a rock song, comprehense it, THEN we go on to visit his neighbors. I couldn't ask for anything else, I just hope that I won't have to look any further for musicians anymore.

Alright, my sis and I plan to pick up Soul Calibur II, and NFS: Underground- GO COLTS!! GO MAVS!! Stupid sports...I'll holla at y'all later!


Posted by music4/ninjaman0 at 12:32 AM CST
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Friday, 17 October 2003
The days get shorter
Well, after I think the 4th or so, I went to the state fair. Wasn't anything I didn't ride last year (except for "BONZAI") and I didn't watch "Princess Mononoke" :( Oh well. Afterwards, my folks and I are working on getting some music equipment/accessories for my comp. My sister is already working on Graphic arts; and you KNOW what that means...MEMORY UPGRADE. 256gb won't get it at this rate. No rush however...

"I love video games..." one of the lyrics to a new song I'm writing/composing. That's right, I don't have a band. Lol On another note, sports is stressful to watch. Like the games between the Marlins/Cubs, and Yankees/Red Sox. I got a headache this evening (or was it a migrane??) It's gone though.

A few days ago, I got my deploma for graduating from the Advanced Small Engine Repair course. :) I don't see myself setting up a shop very soon however; imagine me in a greasy shirt with motor oil covered hands fixing lawnmowers. LOL Then I started thinking, maybe I'll apply for a Big-block engine building college of some sort. I love cars, so what the hell right?

Well, I'm off to go write something and update the site.


Posted by music4/ninjaman0 at 12:08 AM CDT
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Saturday, 4 October 2003
Well if it ain't today...
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the first entry for this "Blog". I have NO clue as to why it is referred to as a "blog"...the name sounds funny. LOL Ah well, that's the internet for you. Okay, no new ideas for today. Sort of taking a break from writing. Tomorrow I'm going to the state fair! I'm not eating 30 minutes before going however. Lord have mercy though, the food in the consession stands is so HIGH! You'd rather starve than to pay $5 for a damn sandwhich! But, I'll figure out a game plan from here on out.

I created a few new songs three days ago. Haven't come up with any titles, and no lyrics. I don't write lyrics anyway, so it's all good. But if you classify poetry as lyrics, then I guess it's safe to say (or NOT be contradictory), that I TECHNICALLY write lyrics. LOL

Alright guys, that's all Stone has for you tonight. Later.

Posted by music4/ninjaman0 at 11:27 PM CDT
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