Bbq with Nick and Aaron

There I was extrimelly bored in my house, thinking of the hottest guys the Carter bros. Mins later the phone rings. Me being in dream land i just think uu maybe its Nick or Aaron. Crazy me, it was just my dad. Not so exiting, i thought. He starts talking to me and OMG you wouldnt belive what he told me! He said: " Today i met a woman that is friends with Jane, Nick and Aaron's mom." I was like yeah right i dont believe you, but it was true! it so happenes that he was gonna do somethiong from work for her or whatever. Thats not important at all. lol. So he also tells me that she told him that when they came here they were gonna have a BBQ in her house. So I imediatelly started to ask questions. I asked him what was her name, ya know. He said her name is Sharon or something like that cause I was to exited to understand.

He told me not to tell anybody but did I care?! NO! I simpley ran to the computer and told it to all my friends. All that was left to do was to get her to invite me to the BBQ, but my dad said no, I just met her, I cant do that. I was so damn sad cause of that!=(

I was so exited and sad at the same time for a fiew days. Every day I told my dad to talk to her bout me to indirectly tell her to invite me. lol. Two weeks after that my dad calls me again and he had the best news he could ever give me. He says " I was in a meeting with Sharon, she told me that she asked Jane if u could go to the BBQ and she said yes." Just to let u know i was exited since he said a "a meeting with Sharon" I stared screaming, and crying of the exitement. I told him " Can my friends come also?!?" he said that he had aked her and that they could! So i told my dad bye and called my friends imediatelly.

- Liham, Liham! guess what?!

- What?

- My dad just called...

- OMG! what did he say?!

- Well if u shut the fuck up i can tell ya!

- Okay! Im sorry! now speak!

- Okay, well he said that he was in a meeting with Sharon and she spoke to Jane bout me and we can go to the BBQ! Nick and Aaron are both gonna be there!

- OMG! We gotta look sexy, we gotta seduce them, we gotta end up kissing at least one of em! Oh and we gotta get their number... ya know

- Um yeah! that is a MUST DO on our list! Like hello! its Aaron and Nick Carter! okay okay, i gotta call Anacleta and tell her! k? c ya later!

- Bye, cya!

So I called my other friend Anacleta and told her EVERYTHING! Her reaction was pretty much the same as the one from Liham.

The day of the BBQ was on May 15. They were gonna be here arround that time for vacation but it was TOP SECRET. Not many people new bout these but we did, and we were gonna spend a complete day with them! I remember being so damn exited! I couldnt even sleep.

The best day in my life till now came. It was May 15 and we were all really happy. We took like 3 camares each! Im not exagerating yall. Its true, we did! So we got there to the house and rang the bell. Do u want to know who answerd the door?? Nick and Aaron!

- Hey you must be the girls that have been invited.

- Hello! ( us 3 at the same time)

So they invited us in and they were wispering something, but i couldnt hear. I think it was bout We went to the pool. They are both soo HOT! Especially shirtless. We talked for hours and hours. It was time to eat and we all ate hamburgers. They looked sooo cute eating that we had to take pics. After eating, well u know u are not suppoesed to get in the pool cause u can drown, well we went into the jacuzzi. I sat NEXT to Nick and my friends sat next to Aaron.

Anacleta was also siting next to Nick. Somehow Nick totally ignored my friends and was talking to me only to me, okay. I was so damn exited! Think bout it, put yourself in my position, would have u been that exited?!? I think so! I dont know what my friends and Aaron were talking bout but i do now what Nick and I were talking bout. I could tell ya that but... i better not. Idunno who is reading these, maybe lil kids.

It started to get dark and romantic. They turned on some canddles and we were all getting a bit ya know. Nick told me " I like you, you are really nice." Yes Nick told me that. I was soo shoked that all i could do was smile.

- Well I like u and I still dont have your number.

- What you want my number?

- Umm yeah. ( he was smiling like i have never seen him smile)

- Well, I could give it to ya but, idunno. Let me think bout it and I'll let ya know before the night is over.

- Okay

Yes I know! How dumb was I?! not to give him my number right off. Idunno what I was thinking but it turnd out AMAZING. I wrote my number on a small pice of paper and put it next to his sunglasess, with out him watching me. Then I went to look for him.

- Hey you.

- Hey, when are you leaving?

- Um what time is it?

- 12:35 am

- What? no! it seems like I just got here. Im leaving at 1:00am

- No i dont want u to leave, Ive had a good time here with you.

Yes it all happend, but the best was yet to come. We were all ALONE in the backyard behind some bushes, sitting on the ground. He kissed me! It was so beautiful, and unfortunatly it was time for me to leave. I said to his ear " Make sure u dont leave ur sun glasess, I left u a lil something there." We said goodbye and I came home. Now I find myself writting these, hoping he calls.