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Musical Entertainment for Seniors

We are a group of students currently attending South Pasadena High School, South Pasadena, CA. In our World History Class, we were assigned a semester long project to try and solve certain unresolved world issues. We have decided to tackle the issue of negligence of elders living in and around our community....

Steps Taken:

1. Routine visits to the South Pasadena Convalescent Hospital (South Pasadena) and Amberwood Convalescent Hospital (Highland Park). New Friends

2. A tour of concerts, performed in order to bring entertainment to our senior friends.Concerts

3. Joined volunteer program, Rebuilding Together, in Pasadena to repair houses for elderly citizens living in the area. Pictures

4. Start the MEFE club at school, to gather students possessing musical talents to routinely play concerts at various convalescent hospitals such as Amberwood, and SPCH. Doraemon FL

Here are some ways you can help....

get this gear!