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Mastermax 7 is now out download it here

About Gnutella
Mastermax Connects to the Gnutella Network: All computers running a program utilizing the Gnutella protocol are said to be on the Gnutella Network (gNet). On the World Wide Web, each computer is connected to only one other computer at a time. When a user visits, she is not at The two sites are mutually exclusive. On the Gnutella Network, a user is connected to several other computers at once. Information can be received from many sources simultaneously. Gnutella is not a web site. It doesn’t contain web sites. The content that is available on the Gnutella Network does not come from web sites or from the publishers of Gnutella-compatible software; it comes from other users running Gnutella-compatible software on their own computers. Gnutella is a networking protocol, which defines a manner in which computers can speak directly to one another in a completely decentralized fashion. Software publishers such as Lime Wire LLC have written and distributed programs which are compatible with the Gnutella protocol, and which therefore allow users to participate in the Gnutella Network. We invite you to download LimeWire for yourself and experience all that the Gnutella Network has to offer.
Mastermax Connects to 3 computers using the gnutella network, and those are connected to others, and its all one big circle, once you search it searches those connections and the connections your connections have ect...

Why pick Mastermax?
You should pick mastermax because, it stays connected better, searches faster, connectes faster, and you can search for more than one thang at the same time its very small it downloads in minutes, it can fit on a floopy! It picks up where you left off when downloading. There is no cnetral server your connected directly with other people so riaa cant bring the gnutella network down its here to stay and so is Mastermax!

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