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What up everyone? I'm sittin round the computer enjoyin myself pretty good right about now. Gots mad homework. I decided to make this part of the page like this and just update it every now and then I think that it will keep some ones  attention check back often as I am going to try to update this page as much as I can. Leave some on my forum comments appreciated. I'm out, can barely type! Peace - -

I hate school and all my classes I have soo much fucking homework its not funny this really sucks! I'm sittin here listenin to Trapt they are pretty cool you should check them out I'm gonna go to tally cause they are playin there I'm out HW!~{PEACE} - -

Just got back from my brothers house in Tampa w/ my nigga kenny, it was great! I hope to be back next weekend for the FINCH concert (24th). This trip was great we just sat and wasted away watching movies and playing PS2 and XBOX. Its the greatest way to waste away a good weekend! Specially when your not conscious for most of it! Oh ya! Great feeling! : ) - -

What a fucking weekend?! Friday went to see FINCH! (show kicked ass!) Me kenny n my brother were crowd surfing did a little moshing figured out my lungs couldn't handle to much of that so I decided to just stay up front, absolutely froze my ass off after the show! Came back sat. and me kenny vanna and vanna's friend meghan hung out, drank a little you know how it goes... it was pretty cool that night is going into the history books. :> :> So my weekend was bad ass all together not to mention the bucks got a super bowl win! Whipidee DOO! Needs to get ready to sleep, have to get Vaseline out of my hair...don't ask- - 

Just got back from the Trapt concert @ Floyds Music Store and man did that show kick major ass! I love finch to death but there concert couldn't top this one. Lead singer singled me out many times, I was the only one :) First he said man that kid right there is kicking your asses cause I was the only one moshing only time I didnt mosh was during the acoustic song that I said no to (cause I wanted to mosh) and he commented on that and said your not gonna get any girls that way, girl that kept grabbing my ass was like, I like a guy that moshes. :> I had my own little circle that everyone was throwing me around in no one would join my skinny ass I even called someone out he was 3 times bigger than me, it was fun. Tallahassee needs to learn to mosh a little more (babies). Then I was the only one he let me sing the chorus to Headstrong their hit that they have out right now. I have never had so many fine girls grab my ass. Just thought I should throw that in there, I got a pick and I still have my gay ass sore throat. Hope to be back at floyds for the Home grown concert along w/ Riddlin kids and the All American Rejects. But i'm out I need to get better PEACE- -


AIM Screen name- Hoobadastank
Song Meanings
Joe Cartoon
Bad Ass


Fire Hot Quotes

Fighting Sticks 

Muffin Films

Carnival Arrest Site

Officially Unknown


Jess's PAge
Lauren's PAge
Tiffany's PAge
Becky's PAge
Ashley's PAge

Citrus soccer PAge

Liz's PAge

Mary's PAge