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The Chatroom
























Yes its an m2 chat page, whats gonna be on here? info about m2 chat of course.
The Chatroom Normally is active during the hours of m2 - Thursday-Saturday 12(give or take up to 20 mins)-6am if you want a profile up on this page E-Mail with the info that you want up Also give Ideas for other stuff that could be on here

In the Meantime

SIGN the Petition to get Jemma to be an m2 host
Visit d'laychicks BLINDSPOTT fan site
SIGN Sugars Petition as well
And another petition - Bring back the BING!

Heres a pic of the hosts scanned from TV-Guide, Blame either the fact that it was on the glossy paper or that my scanner sucks for the quality :)

 And a cool little thing sent to me by Jay_H