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Paul McCartney in Tampa US Tour 2005

by Letty

The concert at the Saint Pete Forum took place on Saturday September 17, 2005. It was a sunny day. I arrived at 5:15 pm, and I knew that Paul had just arrived because two persons that were fortunate to see him arrive told me. He was inside of a Lexus. Other cars escorted him. The admission gates were not opened yet, so I decided to take a look to the souvenirs on sale. I could also talk with a couple. They told me that they drove from Miami because they couldn't find any tickets there.

Finally, before 7 pm they allowed people inside the venue. We were the first ones to take our seats. It was a strong incense scent. I could see some paintings on a big screen in front of me. I assume that those were Paul's paintings.
After 8 pm there was a pre-show with a disc jockey that played some especial versions. After this presentation, they turned out the lights and on the screen I could watch some images of Paul when he was a child. There were images of his parents and his house in Liverpool. I commented: "I was inside of that house." There were some other videos including Beatles videos and Wings videos. We could watch some home videos too concluding with the Live 8 event. This documentary last approx. 10 min. After that Paul appeared on stage with his band that played with him on the 2002 tour.

How can I describe this concert? It was a wonderful trip thru the time where he included 36 songs such as the classics "Jet", "Let me roll It", "Live and let die", "Hey Jude" among others. There were also new interpretations of "Till there was you", "Got to get you into my Life", "In Spite of all the danger", "I will", "For no One", and "Fixing a Hole". When he was to start singing "I'll follow the sun", he mentioned the 20 of Forthlin Road, and there were some screaming including mine. Paul said: "Screaming for a house…anyway…", but we all know that it is not a common house. It was the house where he lived when he was a boy, and where John and Paul wrote some of their big hits.

I have to mention that in this concert he included two of my favorite songs. One of them is "Two many people" included in the 1971 RAM album. I really enjoyed this interpretation so much, and the proof of that is the cameraman that goes with Paul on tour took some shoot of us dancing. The other song that I never imagine that I could listen live was "Helter Skelter" What amazing heavy metal interpretation!! I think that it was the higher point of excitement for me.

Almost at the end of the show during the "Please, please me" song, I could stay a little bit closer. At least I could say by to Paul and his band from several feet of distance. I have to also mention that the security guards were friendlier than in the Miami and Atlanta shows. I say bye with a phrase published by Sean Daily of the newspaper Saint Pete Times: "A night when we were also reminded that the best way to taunt the Father time is just to keep singing."



El concierto en el Saint Pete Forum se llevo a cabo el Sabado 17 de Septiembre. Fue un dia bastante caluroso y llegue al lugar del evento a las 5:15 pm. Ya para entonces, Paul habia arrivado, segun supe despues por dos personas que lo vieron entrar. Llego en un Lexus Negro y escoltado por algunos otros autos.
Para entonces todavia no abrian las puertas para entrar, asi que mientras tanto, estuve viendo los souvenirs que tenian de la gira US 2005. Vendian desde llaveros, tazas, posters, programas y muchas camisetas en distintos modelos. Pude platicar con una pareja que esperaba entrar y me comentaron que viajaron desde Miami, porque no pudieron conseguir boletos alla.
Finalmente, antes de las 7 de la noche, abrieron las puertas y fuimos de los primeros en sentarnos en nuestros asientos. Pude percibir un aroma a incienso bastante fuerte. Habia una pantalla gigante donde proyectaban imagenes de algunas pinturas que supongo fueron pintadas por Paul.
Ya un poco despues de las 8 pm hubo un pre-show con un disc jokey que puso algunas versions especiales. Terminada esta presentacion, se apagaron las luces y en la panatalla gigante se empezaron a proyectar imagines de Paul desde cuando era niño incluyendo imagines de sus padres y de su casa en Liverpool. Emocionada por esto comente: Yo estuve dentro de esa casa" Siguieron los videos incluyendo a Los Beatles, Los Wings y a Paul como solista pasando desde videos caseros hasta el concierto de Live 8. El documental duro aproximadamente 10 minutos y despues empezo el conteo final y aparecio Paul en el escenario junto con su banda que lo acompaño en el 2002.

Como puedo describir este concierto? Sino como un viaje maravilloso en el tiempo donde incluyo alrededor de 36 canciones entre las cuales estaban las clasicas: "Jet", "Let me roll It", "Live and let die", "Hey Jude" entre otras. Entre las nuevas caciones se encuentran las rolas Beatlemanas "Till there was you", "Got to get you into my Life", "In Spite of all the danger", "I will", "For no One" y "Fixing a Hole". Cuando iba a comenzar la interpretacion de "I'll follow the sun", Paul menciono el 20 de Fothlin Road y se escucharon algunos gritos incluyendo los mios. Paul menciono algo sorprendido: "Gritos por una casa…bueno.." pero todos sabemos que no es una casa cualquiera, es la casa donde vivio con su familia de niño y donde John y el compusieron varios de los exitos de Los Beatles.


Tengo que mencionar que en su concierto incluyo dos de mis canciones favoritas: "Too many People", incluida en el album RAM 1971 y la cual goce como no tienen una idea. Tanto asi, que el camarografo que acompaña a Paul, nos filmo bailando.
La otra cancion que nunca pense escuchar en vivo fue "Helter Skelter" Que interpretacion tan magistral de heavy metal!! Creo que ese fue el punto culminante para mi.
Casi al final del show durante "Please, please me" pude acercarme un poquito mas. Por lo menos pude decir adios a Paul y a su banda aunque a varios metros de distancia.
Cabe mencionar que las personas encargadas de seguridad fueron mas amistosas que en los conciertos de Miami y Atlanta.
Me despido con una frase que publico Sean Daily del periodico Saint Pete Times: "A night when we were also reminded that the best way to taunt the Father time is just to keep singing."