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.:420 geek:.

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my bootlegs
i love music. a lot. i also love live shows. a lot too.

but what do i love even more than live shows? ah yes. bootlegs.

live copies of shows rock my socks. it's the perfect way for me to remember all the cool things about that particular show. whether it was a goofy thing that someone said, a little screw-up in a song that made me chuckle, or a brand new song i'd never heard before.

so i collect copies of shows that i've attended, but i also collect shows that i *haven't* attended cause they usually remind me how much of a dumbass i was for not going. so for those people that trade bootlegs (and note that, i ONLY trade. no b+p's, no buying them from me. i'm a trader, not a thief), check out the link to my list below.

at the moment my CD burner is shot, so it's kinda hard for me to make copies of anything i have. but if someone has a Lucky Boys Confusion show that i don't, believe me i'll do everything in my power to get a copy of whatever show you want for a trade. i'm really only after more LBC, D&E, Pomeroy, Urge, Matthew Good Band and *maybe* Our Lady Peace shows. so be wise when emailing...
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