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In the beginning we were a shitty garage band just like every other band out ther. We still are a garage band but we don't suck anymore.... The first original band cosisted of me my friend Anthony and Mike. Our other friend Cale was looking to start a band also. So one day we had him come over with Mikes friend Chris, we jammed a few times and realized that we had a lot of people in the band also Cale being a closer friend we for some reason kicked mike out of the band. and so it started. With Cale on the guitar and Anthony on the mic. With Chris on bass and my self on drums, we thought we were getting somewhere but we still really sucked. So as time passed Chris started playing the guitar more and more gaining a lot of experience and skill in short time. We soon realized Chris was a much beter candidate to be lead guitar, and as we told Cale this he decided to drop out of the band. So the destruction began as me, Chris and Anthony started improving rapidly gaining beter equipment and skill. During this time about 2 years ago we had many different bassists many who didn't know shit a bout the bass, so as time still went on and practices became a scheduled thing we finally found a bassist early last year who had a lot of potential, named, Adrian. This being the permanent band now we practice and learned religiously for a year and a half, in between practiced placed between Anthony's and my house. So as we all were improving even still we took a deathblow by smoking weed and getting caught on campus. So having this jacking up our practices we eventually just stayed at Anthony's for a while. This ended though when my best friend, and singer moved without warning to Madera 2 months ago. So still even with out a singer at the moment we still are motivated and determined to achieve our dreams...

This might sound like something out of a movie, but playing music is our lives... we don't do it for chicks, popularity of fame or hoping to strike it rich in the "music industry" { which fucking sucks }. But I can say this for a fact, for me and for Chris and Adrian but even if we went NO WHERE we'd still be making' music, and playing at clubs, even for free if we had to...

But lastly impure would like to state what our beliefs about society and pop culture and this new generation bullshit. Ya, know as a struggling new band we are supposed to support other bands, and musicians that are actually making money. I don't want to point fingers but how the fuck are you supposed to respect assholes who don't give a shit about any of you, who have their name on the juice boxes and milk cartons given to children so their records can get sold... what the fuck is that. How can you call you're self an artist if all you do is sing obnoxious and get your songs written for you by you're staff of writers .... If all you readers out their don't know what I'm talking about here it is in plain English ---BOY BANDS, FEMALE ARTISTS, TALENTLESS "ROCK BANDS" THAT SELL THEMSELVES TO KIDS. ARE NOT MUSICIANS BUT MEER PUPPETS OF THE CAPITOLISTS SOCIETY IN WHICH WE LIVE. IT'S A SAD DAY WHEN ELEAT MUSIC THAT WAS ORIGINAL IS WATERED DOWN AND REPRODUCED SO MANY TIMES THAT IT HAS NO: SIGNIFICANCE, TALENT, AND ORIGINALITY. Like sum 41, or blink 182 or limpbizkit or fucking any other band out on a teen magazine.... "Oooooh" I'm punk, I'm metal because I wear dickies and have a cd of blink.... Do you kids want to know what i have to say about that? Fuck that.... Who's original? You? How many times do you think some one dressed exactly like you befor? Are you still a rebel? Or a part of the crowd?