BSB Wonders....Hmmm..

*All New Items on lists will be added to the list with a * next to it.
Wonder 1
Wonder 2
Wonder 3
Wonder 4
Wonder 5
Wonder 6
Wonder 7
Wonder 8
Wonder 9
Wonder 10

Ok guys...I have an idea. It's called "BSB Wonders" (as you can see at the top of the page). But I need you guys to help make this page happen! Here's the plan....You (yes you) send me any wonders or thoughts that you have of BSB. Example: "Hmm...I wonder what Howie has stuffed under his bed.." or i wonder what "BSB" would say... I wonder what "BSB" would do... Are ya gettin the idea here? Well I hope you are because i need your questions/thoughts/wonders to complete this page. So please please please email me your thoughts and I will create what they would do/say! My e-mail is right down there! Go! Be sure to put "BSB wonders" as the subject of ur letter. I will post up the first question/thought as soon as i get it, and what ever wonder you see up here...feel free to e-mail me some of your thoughts of what BSB would do or say! Thanks! (sorry I know it's kinda confusing)

I Wanna Go Home!
