Funny BSB Dreams that I HAVE ACTUALLY HAD!

dream 2 dream 3 dream 4 dream friggin 5 dream 6 dream 7 luvmyhowiebunny's dream Rachel's Dream Dream 8 Dream 9 I wanna Go home!

Alright's the deal... This page has dreams...funny dreams that I have actually had about BSB up here...So I will be sharing part of my personal life with you... Don't you feel loved? AND THESE ARE REAL DREAMS THAT I HAVE DREAMT!!!! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

The following dreams have come straight from the paper of which I have written down the dream right after I have dreamt it... So it might've been like 3AM when I wrote it down, but don't worry, I'll write it so you can understand it. anything in parenthesis is me talkin to u right now (yes you!)...Oh yea...and all the real names have been changed, except for the famous peoples.

WARNING!!! THIS IS THE MOST HALARIOUS (well at least I think) BSB DREAM I HAVE EVER, EVER, HAD! I'm writin this straight from my lil' BSB dream book.... here we go...

A Construction Worker, Some suited Men, and a Beach Ball

7-23-01 (night i dreamt/wrote it down)

This was a halarious dream. It's 4AM and I just woke up hysterically laughing with tears in my eyes! I'm half asleep...but that's ok (I'll write it in present tense for ya.)

I'm at this show/party/interview. BSB is comin in to be interviewd. I'm sittin in the front row next to a girl from school and other people I know. Everyone gives me beany babies, stuffed animals, and presents. I put them on a shelf for BSB..there was a witch, a pink flamingo beanie baby, and tons of other stuff. I think BSB came and sat down, and did an interview. Well anyways, they left. But they were going to come back! We were preparing for them. Especially me. I was in charge of everything, kind of like the boss.

I went into the kitchen to see how everything was going. Ren and Louis Stevens were in there. But then these waiters/helpers came in with food from BSB. The food was in those round tin foil containers with the paper lids that are so hard to keep on, let alone get on in the first place. They brought in spaghetti and meatballs and tons of food. I had to bring it all in the kitchen. I took some, said thank-you, then went into the kitchen. I asked Ren and Louis for help, but they were arguing, and not helping at all! (THANKS ALOT REN AND LOUIS!!!)

I go back to the door where the waiter was. He said something like "Well, if you're not gonna take the food and not be respectful, we'll just leave." I was trying to explain to them why I hadnt taken all the food (even though it had just been about 1 minute. I had no idea why they were so mad, dumb ren and louis, it's all their fault). Then (HERE COMES THE FUNNINESS..i think it is at least)I looked out the window, which wasnt just a window; it was the whole wall. The whole wall was a huge window, except for the door. Well I looked out the window/wall and I see Brian and Nick adjusting their suits (?) while running to the door.

They burst through the door and Nick says, "NOBODY DISRESPECTS US!!!!" or "THIS IS FOR NOT RESPECTING US AND OUR FOOD!"

Brian then yells "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" and points forwards. They were furious.

I ran up to them, trying to explain, but it was too late. I see this huge yellow thing through the window. Suddenly, Howie comes bursting through the glass window/wall on a huge yellow bulldozer while Brian is still screaming!!!!!!!!!!

Glass goes flying everywhere and Howie plows me, Nick, and Brian and we go flying!!! And a beachball goes flying along with us!! (what the hell?) We landed, and I looked up from laying in shattered glass like Kevin with the glass in "The Call". I see BRIAN SMILING AND YELLING "YEAH!!!!" yelling in victory! (ok??) But his hair was shaped like a shovel!! (Or at least that what i was thinking in the dream? ha!)

I looked to my right and I see Nick. He's looking around and wiping the little glass pieces off his shoulders. He had the bluest eyes ever.

Then I woke up hysterically laughing and close to tears!

Well! It was funny at the time! And lots of peeps thinks it's funny when I tell them!
