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Old News

5/18/04: In the past several months, Heresy has gotten a new bassist & has been working on new songs. They now are planning studio time, & a CD is to be expected very soon. Heresy performed at SuStock 2004 along with local acts including AV & Grimace and also the world famous Sweetwater. Photos of the event will be available soon.

1/28/04: For the past 4 months, Heresy has seen little activity outside the garage. They took an unnoficial winter hiatus from performing in order to focus their efforts on refining their songs for recording.

Former bassist Matt Craig left Heresy without warning in mid December, after they had already booked recording time. With no bassist and the recording dates scheduled for only two weeks away, Heresy had no choice but to cancel. Now their entire efforts were focued on finding a replacement bassist so they could begin performing again & eventualy enter the studio. After weeks of searching and jamming with several bassists, Heresy stumbled upon one Paul Krsnik of Santa Susana High School. After a few jam sessions he was called back to practice every week, and since has become the current bassist for Heresy.

With a new bassist & a fresh start from the holidays, Heresy can now begin refining their songs & performing once again. They have a show booked for Friday, February 13th (see tour dates page), and plan to enter the studio to record in April during Spring Break. Despite some set backs, Heresy has prevailed. Expect to see much more of Heresy in the coming months.

11/7/03: The in-studio dates for the recording of Heresy's debut album have been reserved and confirmed as of today. They will be recording at Love Juice Labs from December 28th to December 31st. The full length LP (as well as the shorter demo) will be available by January 1st, 2004. Click here for the official track list.

10/7/03: Heresy is currently working on their epic song, "Thin Skins." It is an extention of the studio version, nearly tripling in length. Once it is polished, Heresy plans to exclusively perform it in its entirety at their next show. "Thin Skins" will ensure a journey into the depths of the soul to all who witness it. Open your minds and accept the glory of music in all of its forms and experience the complete destruction of time and reality as "Thin Skins" penetrates the thick skulls of the narrow minded public and beckons them into their own nirvana of self-exploration and realization.

8/21/03: Heresy will be playing in Hollywood on Sunday, September 28th. See the tour dates page for more information.

8/5/03: Matt Craig is now the new bassist for Heresy.

7/5/03: Heresy played at the Majestic Ventura Theatre. Despite a small audience and a poor sound system, Heresy closed out the evening to a positive audience response.

The band will now be taking a short break from shows in order to concentrate their efforts on new songs and on recording. Details about the recording situation are unclear, and there is no definate date as to when the recording is to commence. The band hopes that it will be sometime in the very near future so that by the end of the summer they will have a demo circulating in the public. Keep posted for updates regarding upcoming shows and details on when an official Heresy demo will be available to the public.

7/1/03: Heresy has been offered recording time with a small, independent recording label stationed in Simi. Details are unclear as of this time, but the band hopes to start recording soon. Keep watch for further posts on when an official Heresy demo will be available for purchase.

6/17/03: Heresy will be headlining a large show at The Majestic Ventura Theatre on Saturday, July 5th. For presale tickets, email the band at See the tour dates page for more information.

5/15/03: Heresy has been invited to perform at a benifit concert for The Make a Wish Foundation at The Boys and Girls Club in Simi Valley, CA. See the tour dates page for more information.

All material herein is © Heresy 2001-2004 and may only be used by outside parties with permission from the founding members of Heresy, that being Sean Thomas & Tyler Deakins.