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Feel free to download everything!

The recordered selections are an excellent guide for anyone interested in learning Sepharadic Hazanut. After hearing them a few times, you'll get a better understading about the makamot. You'll be able to recognize the makam for many of the songs you hear in shul.

I'm not saying you're going to become the greatest hazzan by listening to what I recordered;All I'm saying is that you'll learn a great deal about the makamot from the selections below. The pieces below are recorded at the highest sound quality possible. Therefore, it might take a long time to download, but believe me, it's worth it. You won't be disappointed!

    Follow the following instructions to download:

  1. Click on the desired link with right button of the mouse and click on "Save Target As".
  2. A pop-up screen will ask you to save it.
  3. You must have Windows Media Player to listen to the downloaded parts.
  4. If you don't have Windows Media, you can download it for free by clicking on the following link

    Makam Ag'am Ag'am-Part I Ag'am-Part II Ag'am-Part III
    Makam Bayat Bayat-Part I Bayat-Part II Bayat-Part III
    Makam Nahawand Nahawand-Part I Nahawand-Part II Nahawand-Part III
    Makam Rast Rast-Part I Rast-Part II Rast-Part III
    Makam Sigah Sigah-Part I Sigah-Part II Sigah-Part III
    Makam Sabah Sabah-Part I Sabah-Part II Sabah-Part III
    Makam Hig'az Hig'az-Part I Hig'az-Part II Hig'az-Part III
    Makam Kurd Kurd-Part I Kurd-Part II Kurd-Part III
    Miscellaneous Shemah Havdalah Kidush

    If you have any comments or suggestions please feel free to email me at