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sooooo...i guess ive decided to re-open my website...........i mean, yah, ok.....lifes strange, so this site is gonna be strange too, get used to it.

Marcos and i broke up today.

Issue #1, X-Ray Cat!
science camp... (yah....:-P)
all about me, wowo!
I wouldn't read these if I had any sense (wait....why did I even put that there....oh well, I'm stupid)

ok, so i haven't re-oppened, so what? im working on it, i want to get a slipknot section, then ill re-open, but right now im re-organizing my web shell, so be patient! well, on the 7th wish me a happy b-day!!!! buhbye!
I have officialy re-oppened!!!! picutres is up so far, next ill have the puffs up (lol), they are really cute!! and i SWEAR, NO dolls!!!!! c yas!
Hey again people. Im at science camp for one more day, then ill be in chicago till sunday!!! well, call ya'lls and talk to kinnethia bout changing her party, well, lovee yas, lilly......
p.s. im working on getting clips from crank ankers, and south park, but itll kinda be slow, cuz i can only get them on as the shows come on, well, buhbye
look, it's me, Sponge Bob!
Hey!!!! Can you believe it? 8 th grade already. Wow, seems weird, don't it? well, a lot has happened since ive even looked at this site, but I don't have time for that now. Most of you know what's new, but soem of you don't, so I'll tell you a little bit. 8th grade is fun so far, we have this really cool class called X-class that for 70 min. we get to work on computers. That's where I am right now. Im in the reading room listening to Steve Boelen talk about want ign to be something, i dont really know right now. Ok, now andy mensen is doing it. I have all my assignments done so I have an excuse to be here talking to you rght now. Ok, also, i really like math (i got into algrebra!!!), science, and x class. They arent easy, but they are still the best. You all know about Melissa right? well you should. shes really cool and lives in chicago. shes really nice and she has really curly hair, lol. Also she went out with tristan and will admit it, so go her! At the moment im reading the ninth book in the series of Drizzt's books. It's called siege of darkness. I also know this girl named becca who go to oly. Shes really cool, and she has blonde hair! wow. Lol. That shoe at the bottom of the page is my old shoe, cuz guess what, mummy bought me new shoes! shes also gonna buy me another fox shirt. Ok, i think im going on a little long here. Well, soon, im gonna try to get a sliknot section, and yes, a few pictures of tom cruise for those of you who would like a little peak. Yes, i think he is the hottest guy ive ever seen. ok, well, i got the link to school up in case anybody wants it. and im getting on my school work section. well, talk to you later! buhbye, lovee, lilly.
p.s. the science link is down, so dont try it, i just want the address for later. well, bye for real.
Look everybody!!! its my ugly shoe!!!

well, anyway, nothing much new, cept later today ill have ppg pics up!!
lovee, lilly
Today isn't too interesting.......Just kind of normal. But there are a few things to "discuss" at the moment, lol. Melissa and i are annoyed at eachother, i think.......and if i didnt say it last time (im not sure when it happened) ryan and suzi got suspended. and i met this guy named kevin thats 24 and lives in bloomington (nothing new right, lol). and becca went out w/justin zoeller!!!!!!! but like, JUST a sec ago, she broke up w/him!! ooo...breaking news, lol....... i got version 10.2 on my computer! and i think suzi are tristan are gonna go out dammit!!! why am i the only person who never gets to go out w/anybody?! its not fair!!! i just drank a whole thing of pickle juice, and my stomach hurts.....oh well, lol. well, theres lots more to tell, but no time, i got to get off. well, more next time!!!! lovee lilly (now its lydia i guess lol, always chaing names....)
New's been a LONG time since I've written, maybe I should get you caught up. First off, below, x-ray cat, the comic has been established. New issue every week! (they get beter, I promise, lol). Anyways, first, I'm going out w/somebody named Marcos Valdes. Yes, my first bf I actually like(d). We've been going out since March 31 ( don't make fun of me because I remember! That was the day of the QOTSA concert.) Also, I just got back from Chicago, but of Friday, I went to Six Flags (as a school field trip) and now I'm burned as hell all over, and it HURTS!!!!! At Chicago, I went Melissas, and last night we went to a concert, that was outside and free, w/a whole bunch of local bands that played, they mostly sucked, but one was good, they had a trumpet and trombone as part of their band, it was cool. Then today we went to the art institute, and that was fun too, because all these people were speaking French, and Melissa can speak it, so she was telling me what they were saying, and it was kind of interesting. I have to go, so maybe I'll tell you what has happened since last year another time, like maybe next week, when summer officially starts. We have school tomorrow, but I'm going to go to Cory's to hang out, swim, and play DDR. Tue is the 15min. day, then school out! Yay, but I'm going to miss BJ. Ah well, goodbye!
Been a long time again. Sorry about not putting up the new issues of x-ray cat, my scanner didnt work once, and i totally forgot. I'm not going to forget about it, but it'll take awhile, sorry!!

Fuck off. Why do you have to hate me so much?