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glassjaw // meanings
Pretty Lush
Daryl: "That deals with a girl who I had been with and had been my best friend for a couple years, but it got to a point where she moved away to college and had grown out of me as a phase in her life. I didn't appreciate being treated like a phase that was to be progressed through. So she decided that drinking and becoming a frat girl was more important to her than me. She decided that I was a lifestyle and that she had grown past me. I wasn't too into that and that's pretty much what it's about. I don't drink myself so, to be beaten out by a fuckin' bottle wasn't too hip by my standards."
"This song is about my being straight edge."

Siberian Kiss
Daryl: "She couldn't have been any more empty when she was with me than she was. She, when she was with me was a completely empty person in everything she did with and to me...and was completely empty for a long time. That's what that's supposed to mean..a kiss, something that's fulfilling and warm, and it was just the coldest shit."

Ry Ry's Song
Daryl: "That's possibly the angriest song on the record in a very sarcastic sort of way. Very tongue in cheek. Its about a rodie and a good friend of ours and he went away to college and this girl that we all knew and him started hanging out. But it was like hush, it was like all mad on the low. And he would have this friend come visit him at school, and none of his friends knew that he was with the girl. So they would hit on her, and she would get with his best firiends and like sleep with his best friends, like in bed with him. And he wouldn't bring it up and it's like "Damn, dude you're an alien" he's really laid back, hes just a chill. He's laid back to the point that he didnt want to make his friends feel wierd. And he didnt want his friends to be like "Dick! That's the girl I'm hanging out with". So he just sat back.. So just watching that happen after we all found out the truth, I was like Are you kidding?? This girl was totally a fuckin demon...I wrote about it."

Lovebites And Razorlines
Daryl: "...It's about a situation here at home where I myself, and a few of my friends watched women that were important in our lives give us the attention that we deserved. We watched these whores fuck our friends, more specifically a close friend of mine who was in a relationship with someone who would just string him along and lead him on. Just totally ridiculous and in an unsavory fashion. She would string him along and wouldn't be with him but would have sex with all his friends. It's typical high school teen melodrama that makes me absolutely fuckin' nauseous."

Hurting And Shoving
Beck: "Hurting and Shoving stems from when me and Todd were in a band called Sons Of Abraham, we were a metal/hardcore band. The majority of that song is parts from that old band, which was pretty much based on metal. "

Daryl: "Majour is about legalized prostitution, to get back all the whores who broke your heart."

Her Middle Name Was Boom
Daryl: "There are like 3 or 4 girls in my life that I'm genuinely friends with and it's this girl that I'm good friends with and it's not like I'm in love with her, she's just a really close friend of mine. Her real name is Boomica in hungarian. So that song means a lot because it's the only not negatively empowered song on the record. And, like, I can not only relate to her, but I'm in love with her person, you know? And that's such a big thing for me to be able to say that so I knew i had to write about it cuz I felt so passionately about it."

Daryl: "This is about the rockstars that you all listen to and I'm sure you just can't relate cause they're on such a high pedestal, and you just can't deal. So this is about the "record selling bug." So if you're into music like that, FUCK THAT."

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Silence
Daryl: "It's basically about the sickness I have to deal with, and it's about the first two years I spent being diagnosed with it. It's just about how I dealt with it and also the lack of compassion I got from a certain woman during that period of my life. That was the period where she had grown outta me and I needed her most ya know? When I was down on my knees hoping not to die, dealing with sickness and all these big changes in my life that if you knew me you would have been there for me but... She knew me damn well and she whored herself around rather than being there for me during that point in my life. It's also about dealing with being completely alone. Being a kid who just got outta high school and not having any answers and not having anyone to give me the right answers about being sick and feeling alone. It's the most important thing I ever wrote in my whole life as far as music and lyrics are concerned."