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ok i guess its my job to tell you if you dont already know dfta is no more. we played at what was to be our last show at the bull run in shirley back in aug. the band decided it would be best if we all parted ways. the band will be missed by some but especially me. we devoted countless time effort and money to try to write the best songs about the best topics we could. as all the members move on in their seperate directions all we can do is remember what we have acopmlished since we started back in the 8th grade n the spring of 2001. the palladium 3 times, winning the battle of the bands in westford, and recording 3 times with q and h. in ending we woukld like to thank the gabree,stevens,baum,kent,and lions familys if i forgat you sorry. alos thanks to all of our familys and a big thanks to jared @ q+h and christian at drifters. also thanks to all the bands we played with who didnt have sucky attitudes. and fianly thank you to anyone who gave us a chance by coming to the shows and buying our crappy stuff it was a good time. -dean

Our Stuff

our tures
our songs....well there more like works of art
News(updated weekly)

Our songs off the new CD

(New Single) Hey Jude