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The Birth of GORGONS

Jacob Daniel Debicka

The Beginning

It was something that happened. In April of 97 Daniel had been toying with his older brothers recording equipment. Daniel knew NOTHING about creating music, but he always loved to listen to it since he was a wee little thing. So he began to contemplate making a song. Daniel got his two best friends (younger brother Jacob and Debicka) to add their own ideas. So they made some odd little pieces of noise and then Daniel decided that they should do a cover song. A remake of 'White Rabbit' was then recorded in Debicka's bedroom. (The song horrifies Deb to this day.) After having such a blast, Daniel thought that the workers behind it all needed a title and after some thought they agreed on a name and GORGONS was born on April 26th 1997. "Ta Da!"

As the years passed they continued to record and learn how to create and write music. By 1998 they actually had some decent songs. By winter of 98 Daniel decided that they should record a full length album and burn it to CD. Just as a fun thing. By the spring of 1999 The GORGONS had completed a full length CD with 9 songs on it that they called MEDVSA. At first they mainly gave it out to friends and such. Suddenly an interest for their music grew and they began to get positive feedback. This encouraged them so much that when Daniel met Switchblade Symphony in late 1999 he mustered up courage to give them a copy of MEDVSA. Then when he met Mephisto Walz in 2000, he did the same. Bari-Bari gave such a kind response which surprized them greatly. It was around this time that The GORGONS shortened thier name to just GORGONS. They also put up an MP3 site and have continued to get a great response. All this has helped the 3 Gorgons to keep up this 'music thing'. It was something that happened.

Mythology 101

  So what is a GORGON you ask? Well let us 
 relay the story of MEDVSA... Have a seat children
 and listen to the story...

   The Gorgons were the daughters of Phorcys and Ceto.
 They were described as having beautiful faces and
 figures, and sometimes they bore golden wings on
 thier backs. However, it was disasterous to ever 
 stare at one in the face, for their eyes would
 turn the poor victim to stone. There were three 
 Gorgons, two immortal and one mortal. Their names
 were: Euryale ("wide roaming") Sthenno("strength")
 and Medusa ("ruler").

   Of the three, Sthenno and Euryale were immortal,
 Medusa, was mortal. Horrible even in hell, to see
 them was to be turned to stone. Their dwelling-place
 was on the farthest shore of the Ocean, and their
 neighbours, the Hesperides, were the daughters of
 the night.

   Medusa had been a beautiful girl whos hair was
 so lovely that the girl dared to compare her beauty
 with the Gods. Medusa earned great wrath by way 
 of Athena by bedding Poseidon within a chapel
 dedicated to the goddess. The offended goddess then
 turned Medusa's hair into a slithering mass of
 snakes. She and her sisters,who were also afficted,
 became henceforth known as the dreaded Gorgons. This
 metamorphosis curse upon poor Medusa was the
 catalyst for her unavoidable death.

   Perseus, the son of Danae and Zeus had been chosen
 by Athena to seek out and kill the Gorgon Medusa. 
 The Goddess armed Perseus with armour and a sword 
 for his mission. The hero came across the three
 Gorgons as they were sleeping. Looking into his
 shield, he carefully studied each figure, making 
 certain it was Medusa who would feel the blade of 
 his sword. Quickly then he sliced off the head of
 poor Medusa and took to flight with the sandals
 Mercury had provided him.

   As she died Medusa gave birth. From her neck 
 sprang the magnificent winged Pegasus and the hero
 Chrysaor. The Gorgon sisters frantically looked for
 the killer of Medusa, but the helmet worn by Perseus
 rendered him invisible. Drops of her blood fell on
 the desert, and there engendered snakes. The 
 Gorgon's remaining blood was caught in vials by
 Athena; it had such power that a single droplet 
 from the left side could raise the dead, and the 
 same tiny amount from the right could instantly

Perseus and Medusa

2002 PRB Music