ProXimitY Website
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Apr-8th-04 -The Chase-

Apr-6th-04 -Battle Of The Bands-

Apr-4th-04 -Jam Session Success-

Mar-26th-04 -Back and Better Than Ever-

Mar-4th-04 -Shrooms Make The Room Shake-

Mar-1st-04 -Joy Ride, Snow Ride-

Feb-28th-04 -Left for dead-

2nd Entry -Night-

1st Entry -Morning-

Feb-22nd-04 -New Website, New Purpose-

Feb-13th-04 -Returning to the Forgotten Website-


Dave created this site. Dave Is Me. Me is I. So when I say "I" it refers to Me, the one you know as Dave. Get it? Got it? Good! Great! Grand! Wonderful! Turn up your speakers.