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Is there a composer, choreographer,
or a sculptor in the house?


A Web Quest
Upper Elementary
General Music


Designed by:  Cindy James

Greenview Elementary School
Greenville, South Carolina

Introduction  | TaskProcess  | EvaluationConclusion  | Teacher Page


You have just completed an in-depth study of the Life and Works of Aaron Copland.  Anyone can listen to a lecture about Aaron Copland's life.  Anyone can turn on a CD player and listen to some of his music.  Anyone can sit back and let this information slip to the back of their mind or even completely forget about it.  Your music teacher has place a challenge in front of you.  Will you forget what you have learned?  Will you let the work of Aaron Copland go unnoticed?  Will you let his music go unheard?  Imagine you are a young composer, choreographer, or artist.  Walk back in time to about 1944.  Instead of reading about Aaron Copland, you are working with him on an exciting project.


You have dreamed of being a musician, choreographer, and a sculptor for most of your life.  You have been given the opportunity to work with a group artists to write an accompaniment, choreograph the dance movements, and design a sculpture that is inspired by  Aaron Copland's Shaker Variations.


Step 1

The American Timeline

The Progressive Era (1890-1913)

Great War and Jazz Age (1914-1928)
Billie Holiday was Born
Ella Fitzgerald was Born

Step 2

Step 3
Shaker Home
Main Street, Shaker Village
Shaker Barn
Shaker Furniture
Shaker Baskets and Tools

Step 4
As musicians, your group will arrange accompainiment patterns to perform while listening to Aaron Copland's "Shaker Variations."

Step 5
As choreographers,  your group will choreograph a dance sequence based on Aaron Copland's "Shaker Variations."

Step 6
As sculptors, your group will form and human sculpture inspired by Aaron Copland's "Shaker Variations."

Step 7


Click here to print a copy of your scoring guide


You are now a world-renowned composer, choreographer and sculptor.  You have accomplished your goal.  You are now ready to travel the world and work with composers from all over the world.

Teacher Page

Lesson plan

All animated graphics are used
by permission from Animation Factory