Erdelezi Sa o Roma babo, E bakren cinen. A me coro, dural besava. A a daje, amaro dive. Amaro dive erdelezi. Ediwado babo, amenge bakro. Sa o Roma, daje. E bakren cinen. Eeee…Sa o Roma, babo babo, Sa o Roma daje. Sa o Roma, babo babo, Erdelezi. Erdelezi, Sa o Roma Daje. Eeee…Sa o Roma, babo babo, Sa o Roma daje. Sa o Roma, babo babo, Eeee….Erdelezi, Erdelezi. Sa o Roma Daje Erdelezi Alle Roms vader, offeren schapen maar ik, arme drommel, moet op afstand toezien. Ach, ja moeder, het is ons feest. Het is ons feest, Erdelezi…vader, voor ons een schaap. Alle Roms, moeder, offeren schapen, en alle Roms, vader, vader, alle Roms, moeder. Alle Roms, vader vader, Erdelezi, Erdelezi, alle Roms moeder. Thnks a lot ! Ederlezi iz Gypsy name for Serbian Fest of Saint George. It's celebrated on 6th of May. Ederlezi has been a fascination of mine for some time and I have collected various tid-bits of information. The various Balkan spellings (Herdeljez, Erdelezi) are merely variants on the Turkish Hidirellez (i's not dotted), a holiday signaling the beginning of spring, occurring apporzimately 40 days after the spring equinox. The Balkan Slavs added the Christian layer of St. George's Day (Gjuorguovdan, Dz^urdz^ovden, Gergjuovden. Hidrellez is a very significant day in Anatolia. The word itself is very significant; it is the combination of names of two prophets: Hizir & Ilyas. Hidrellez signifies a rebirth of nature and is also considered to be the beginning of summer. According to Anatolian people's beliefs Hizir and Ilyas are two prophets who drank the water of never-dying; they are brothers and friends. They have given each other promise to meet on this night of May 5th every year to give rebirth to nature. Hizir is the protector of plants; he gives life to plants. He helps poor people. Wherever he goes, he brings abundance. Ilyas is the protector of waters and according to some, the protector of animals. Wherever he goes, animals become healthier. People believe that wishes made on this night will become true. They also believe sick people will become healthier and it will be the end of bad-luck and misfortunes. There are also a lot of rituals that people perform. Some people put a coin inside a red cloth and then hang it on a rose branch. In the morning this money is put into the wallet so that it will bring abundance. It is also believed that if you go out, have a picnic and be in nature on this day, your days in winter will have less hardships. Most city people know this day simply as a picnic day... (I'd like to credit the folks of the EEFC for this information)