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The Underground: Issue 8/2/02
Volume 3 / Episode 4 / The Special Edition Series

Just when you thought it was safe to check your email...here comes another Underground slip slidin your way to inform, entertain, and turn you a little green with envy. (You poor out of towners!)

SCABS PARTY PART I....02/08/02

This was an extremely taste-tastic night. Seriously. We’re talkin juicy enough to cause a waterfall. Know what I’m sayin? Those Scabby boys came out on stage and looked so ready to wreck some shit. The night was full of bombastic energy and honest to goodness showmanship. Then, to add a little creamy frosting to that delectable morsel of Scabby goodness...David Boyle graced us with his presence. Nice.

Good songs were flyin everywhere! “Vagina”, “Pushin on The Pullbar”, “Bullets”, "Staysha Brown”, “Bones”, “Tarantula”, “Chilly At My Crib”, “Get It On”, “Pussy Fever” (with some butt-clenchingly amazing solos by Charlie, Bruce, Boyle, and Adam), “Where I’m At” (which I personally dedicated to good ol David Boyle), and “So Fresh and So Fine” (which was a slight shocker). The shocker of the night...and probably my favorite song of the evening was “Wonder Woman”. I absolutely freaked out when I heard it. Man, I looove that song. And they hadn’t played it in ages.

Of course, what Scabs’ show would be complete without a few more cover songs? How bit a little “Tainted Love” by Soft Cell, Baby? Oh, that ain’t enough? The boys also did a tiny smidgen of “Girls” by The Beastie Boys. And if that ain’t Scabs appropriate, I don’t know what is!

This was definitely a night of complete and total entertainment. (And I swear I am not just saying that because of the 7 shots of Tuaca!) The music was slammin! Energy levels were bustin through the ceiling! Normally, I turn to Adam “The Devil” Temple for all my Scabby comedy relief. Not necessary this night. Bruce Hughes, a cat I thought was too cool to ever possibly crack me up, was amusing the hell out of me all night long. Especially that crazy spaghetti-legged dance he busts out with during “T’uela me la pela”. So nice.

Actually, now that I think about it...so was Bob. In fact one of the funniest moments all night was during HEB. Bobby was trying to express how much he enjoyed his HEB shopping experience in a rather loud, screamy type fashion in the face of some chick. Aforementioned chick got so offended that she not only flicked Bob off (which is actually what you are supposed to do at a Scabs show!) But she also left her spot in the second row. Whoops. I guess she does all her shopping at Randall’s...


Ho-hum. Yawn, yawn. Sigh. Nap time already? Let me say this... This show probably would have been pretty good, if I hadn’t gone the night before because it was pretty much the same ol shit. Sure the guys pounced the stage with cool Mardi Gras masks and tons of beads. And Bob took the cake with his poofy, cotton candy pink wig with a cutesy lil barrette!

But the setlist was pretty much the same. Just add “Dizzy Stick”, “Bombonanza”, “Fernie’s Groove”, “Ass Knockin”, and “Sweet Home Alabama”. Besides that, it was pretty much a cookie cutter show musically.

However...there were a few moments of Scabby zen. Adam Temple, my personal saving grace of the night, seemed to have taken the little break between the last set of Scabs shows back in December to perfect some seriously fancy footwork. O Boy was movin and groovin all over the stage. Hips this way, head that way, feet over there. Now that’s what I’m talkin about!

Close to the end of the night, I guess Bob got a little envious of Slowpoke’s noteworthy moves and decided to try out a little somethin, somethin himself. Not to be outshined, Bob busted out with a fakey James Brown-esque jump into the splits type thingie. Over and over and over again. Which made me realize... The thing that is so much funnier than what Bob actually does, is how much he cracks himself up. Now that’s entertainment.

There was a Mardi Gras celebration goin on...so of course free titty, right? Just barely. There was one topless chick on stage...unimpressed. And, then Bob suggested a coupla girls get on stage and make out... Two did. But they cheated. No tongue. Ho-hum. Then, of course you had your repeat stage offenders. You know...the girls that get on stage, are told to leave cause they ain’t doin nothin, and keep comin back. But, thank the stars we had good ol Adam temple to save the day and kill the tedium. After a second uninvited trip onstage, Adam literally kicked a chick off the stage! Hilarious!

Unfortunately, even Adam couldn’t save an overall lackluster show. With such a massive collection of Scabby tunes to pick from, a girl would hope for much more of a change up in the setlist. But, no. Denied. Pretty much a by the book show...

TUESDAY: Lonelyland / Blu Funk Junction /Toni Price featuring La Tribu
WHERE: Antone’s / The Vibe / The Continental Club

WEDNESDAY: La Tribu / Ciccialina
WHERE: Antone’s / Room 710

THURSDAY:Ciccialina / Los Skarnales
WHERE:Momo’s / The Continental Club

FRIDAY : La Tribu and Sambaxe
WHERE: La Zona Rosa

SATURDAY: La Tribu / Stonecracker & Titsworth and Associates
WHERE: Chicken Shack (Little Rock, AK) / The Backroom

SUNDAY: Bloodrive Benefit / Taboo / Ernie Ernst
WHERE: La Zona Rosa / Speakeasy / Mother Egan’s


***La Tribu fans don’t feel left out.... You too can post the day away on the brand, spankin new message boards. Impress your friends by being the first one on your block to post a message... http://www.tribumusic.com/phpBB/ ***Hey Holly, sorry about showing Bob your breasts. My hands, uh, slipped. But hey, at least you got some beads... ***Kelly Anne, pics coming soon... ***Hey folks, the www.bobschneidermusic.com site has finally been updated. Billy Harvey is now included. Still a few errors (It’s Teratoma not Tomatia!) But, it looks better...

***Go and visit these sites. C’mon. You’re already online! Tell em, Niecy sentcha...


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*** “We’re not groupies... We’re band aids.” –Almost Famous
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