dont get too scared, its just what happens when i get bored

ok this is a story of a llama drinking a pepsi. the llamas name was bob.

one day bob the llama was walking down the street enjoing his pepsi. when out of no where the flamigosattacked him! they tied him up and draged him back to their hide out in the ghetto. they asked him lots of questions about many different things. but bob the llama knew nothing. suddenly the flamingosran for cover as a little devil appered. he threw his pitchfork at them and they flew away. bob the llama thanked him and the little devil said it was nothing......but i will take your soul now.
bob just said ok and walked away. and then KA BOOM!!. AHHH yelled bob the damn nazis are attacking again! he ran and ran but couldent get away. and then he saw a gold fish. so he made a wish. and all the nazis dissapeard.

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